Sentences with phrase «attempt at noting»

This blog is an attempt at noting / exploring my journey.

Not exact matches

Kwak notes that Obamacare is a market - oriented approach to universal healthcare, and is ideologically far more conservative than Bill Clinton's 1993 attempt at healthcare reform.
(Note: Sometimes, you have to pay up if there's no option, but at least attempt to earn it first.)
Analysts at BofA Merrill Lynch said in a note Thursday that Aereo appears to be attempting to force the case back to the high court so it can find a way of paying some smaller fees for content.
He also noted that many drugs aimed at lessening the effects of Alzheimer's disease work by attempting to improve this attention mechanism.
Smith believes Apple is the first major company that's attempting to utilize differential privacy at scale, although he notes other large commercial entities such as AT&T have previously done research on it (as has, perhaps surprisingly, Google via its Project Rappor).
In December, 2017, the game's popularity soared, and is noted as one of the first attempts at deploying an application for recreational and leisurely purposes.
Kevin Grandia, a noted climate - change blogger, observes that this time around, Canada has adopted a passive, do - nothing strategy: before, it had actively blocked attempts at real progress.
As the site noted in reference to the Green / Dunn petition, the authors wrote: «Absent a definitive commission statement identifying the essential elements, participants must attempt to discern what is lawful and what is problematic through assessments of enforcement orders, which are focused on a single entity at a time and may or may not be instructive.»
However, note that volatility is extremely high at the moment, and even though the market is bullish, a price correction attempt will emerge sooner or later, as speculators and traders collect their profits.
«A higher religion imposes a conflict, a division, torment and struggle within the individual... we escape from this strain by attempting to revert to an identity of religion and culture which prevailed at a more primitive stage; as when we indulge in alcohol as an anodyne, we consciously seek unconsciousness» (Notes, p. 68) Typically, Eliot did not attempt to lessen the strain; rather, he saw the church as the «salt of the earth,» affecting society at its deepest levels.
In Thomas there is no attempt at providing a historical framework for the ministry of Jesus (as already noted, the sayings are regarded as spoken after his death); there are no miracles; there is no passion narrative; there is no correlation with the Old Testament.
The note sounded by both Chomsky and Roy is admittedly rather shrill, but we must consider that their dissent comes at a time when much of the world seems content with President Bush's view that this attack was simply an attempt by «evildoers» to snuff out «the beacon light of freedom» in the world.
[Editor's note: Canada's attempt at an office of international religious freedom, modeled on the American version, shut down after only three years.]
Your attempt at humour (note the spelling) is not very funny.
As I noted, major defeats at Tours, France, in A.D. 732, and again at Vienna, Austria, in A.D. 1683, halted Islam's attempt to take all of Europe by force.
As Søren Kierkegaard noted in perhaps his most influential book, Fear and Trembling, if the story of Abraham's attempted sacrifice of his son means anything it must signify that God transcends the categories (or at least our categories) of good and evil and that to follow the way of the Lord will eventually, at least for some select chosen ones, mean to renounce those norms.
note: i've tried the steam method, years ago, and my gpa laughed at my attempt.
ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, has indicated that the ACCC will be looking closely at Andrew Forrest's comments calling for iron producers to work together to cap iron ore production, noting that «any attempt by Australian businesses to encourage competitors to restrict outputs is a matter of grave concern to the ACCC».
Kristen Wemer, Director and Beverage Architect at Flavorman, noted that manufacturers» attempts at working with natural sugar substitutes, like stevia and monk fruit, have not been widely accepted by consumers.
The Los Angeles Dodgers, for instance, sent wool caps and sport bags, the attempt at bribery accompanied by a note from publicity director Derrick Hall saying, «This is in no way bribery.»
EDITOR»S NOTE: The CCS does not set their divisions in advance of the postseason, so these are attempts at educated guesses as to which teams could fall where.
I can only hope that this attempt is taken more seriously than the largely muted and clearly unsuccessful protests of late last season... although the plane writing escapade brought some much - needed attention to the matter, it failed to resonate with fence - sitters and those who had just recently fell off the Wenger truck... without a big enough showing of support the whole endeavor appeared relatively weak and poorly organized, especially to the major media outlets, whose involvement could have significantly changed what was to follow... but I get it, few wanted to turn on their club, let alone make a public display of their discord... problem is, they are preying on that vulnerability, in fact, their counting on you to keep your thoughts to yourself... who are you to tell these fat cats how to steal your money... they have worked long and hard to pull the wool over your eyes... they even went so far as to pay enormous sums of cash to your once beloved professor to be their corporate spokesmodel so that the whole thing would be more palatable... eventually the club made it appear as if this was simply a relatively small fringe group of highly radicalized supporters, which allowed the pro-Wenger element inside the club hierarchy to claim victory following the FA Cup win... unfortunately what has happened to this club can't be solved by FA Cups or a few players coming in, the very culture of this club needs to be changed and that starts at the top... in order to change the unhealthy and dysfunctional narrative that has absorbed this club we need to remove everyone who presently occupies a position of power... only then can we get back to the business of playing championship caliber football, which should always be the number one priority of this organization... on an important side note, one of the most devastating mistakes made in the final days of this hectic and poorly planned transfer window didn't have to do with the big name players like Sanchez or Lemar, but the fact that they failed to secure Jadon Sancho, who might even start for Dortmund this season... I think they might seriously regret this oversight... instead of spending so much time, energy and manpower pretending that they were desperately trying to make big moves, they once again lost the plot due to their all too familiar tunnel vision
From Ukraine, or Belorussia, or Baltics, you can strike at the main part of the country, and roll through it without any natural defensive positions right up to Moscow - which, it should be noted, was already done by both Napoleon's France in 1812 and Hitler's Germany in 1941, as well as earlier by Poland in 1610 and even earlier by Western knights (Google «Alexander Nevsky»)- as well as unsuccessful attempt by Swedes and Poles during Great Northern War.
He noted that although human attempts at bettering people's lives have been significant and worthy of praise, in many cases, they are either not advanced enough or completely incapable of helping, and, therefore, a miracle is the last and often only resort.
During Monday's conference call, Cuomo, whose father, Mario Cuomo, was governor at the time, noted that blue state representatives from both sides of the aisle united to thwart a 1985 attempt to roll back the SALT deduction.
Second, it is noted from the news pieces that Tudose's comments have been criticized and / or softened by member of his own government, and that there seems to be no attempt at enacting a law in line with the declarations.
The CDD report noted that the IPOB may attempt to enforce its call for boycott of the election at all cost and using all means to achieve that.
Speaking at the 36th anniversary of the 31st December Revolution the former president noted that, attempts by his government to undertake huge economic transformations caused the party's defeat in the 2016 elections.
«It is also important to note that twelve years ago, the City attempted to build a jail at Oak Point in the South Bronx.
There are also a handful of local races of note, including former senator Hiram Monserrate's attempt at a political comeback in Queens, a New York City Council race in the Bronx and a vitriolic battle among Democrats hoping to be the next Erie County district attorney.
The GOC, who noted that the Army Division would continue to maintain operational tempo to consolidate on the gains it achieved during the exercise, reiterated the resolve to defeat «any attempt at brazen attacks on national critical infrastructure, oil and gas resources and overall strangulation of the socio - economy of law abiding citizenry by any group of militants or criminals».
He noted that «the insurgents, attempting to infiltrate Maiduguri metropolis through Muna Zawiya area at about 9.30 p.m., were spotted by vigilance troops who fired shots, hitting one of them, thereby triggering simultaneous explosions which killed all of them.
In a statement, Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, which has been staunchly opposed to the bill, pointed to the attempted terrorist attack at the Port Authority Bus Terminal yesterday, noting that it is thanks to the «continuous, proactive efforts» of police officers «that even greater tragedies have been averted.»
The workers are claiming the management of the company has failed to pay their salaries for the past six months, noting all attempts at getting their outstanding salaries paid have not yielded positive results hence their latest action.
In his video Cho denounced materialism and hedonism, and in a note police found in his room he condemned «rich kids,» perhaps suggesting that his murders were an attempt to get back at privileged people.
At the release event farmers could be spotted attempting to catch the wasps to bring them to their own farms, noted Rod Lefroy, CIAT's regional coordinator for Asia, in an e-mail.
In addition, it is thought that a significant percentage of attackers who survive are also clinically suicidal, but they failed in their attempts to die or changed their minds at the last moment although, as Adam Lankford notes, this is difficult to prove because suicidal intent is so difficult to measure.
And the three - day lockdown that Sierra Leone held in September, which many misinterpreted as an attempt at quarantining infected individuals, was actually a huge, door - to - door educational initiative, he noted.
Rajpaul praises the thorough work of Xavier Dumusque and the team at the Geneva Observatory, but notes that their attempts to filter stellar activity out of their data evidently boosted other periodic signals that had nothing to do with a planet.
Please note that nothing on this site has been designed or tested for large scale manufacturing or re-sale, and attempting to sell anything made from recipes on this website is a bit foolish and at your own risk.
My first cookbook was an attempt at that magic wand, and while I got many wonderful thank you notes, I got just as many notes from those who were frustrated and not feeling better despite their efforts at changing their diet.
Attempting a slapstick satire of suburban paranoia and xenophobia, Dante lavishes his considerable skills on a one - note, repetitive Dana Olsen screenplay which, at best, contains enough invention for a 20 - minute skit.
The show looks at the film's origins and story, attempts at realism, cast and performances, actor training, locations and set design, action sequences, camerawork, and a few character notes.
It's worth noting that at no point, until a rush of sincerity near the end, does the movie attempt to be down - to - earth regarding its comedy and its characters.
It will feature an unlikely love story with a beautiful and constant woman (sort of a stultifying «beauty and king gimp» conceit), a few half - hearted attempts at portraying the world from the «special» protagonist's literal perspective (by using a jittery handheld camera or some similarly unenlightening gimmick), and end on a high note tinged with the bittersweet for that vital splash of lingering «importance.»
When the notes on his memoir are accidentally left behind in a gym, they fall into the hands of gym employees Chad [Brad Pitt] and Linda [Frances McDormand] whose attempt to return them is mistaken for an attempted at blackmail.
On that note, many of the film's most desperate attempts at humour revolve around the late Queen Mother's continued pronunciation of hotdog as if it were two words.
Still, the leads remain masters at mining improvisational gold from even the thinnest material: Peele can register panic in a few hilariously shifty eye movements, and the motormouthed Key retains his flair for both the over-the-top pronouncement and the deadpan non sequitur («Wordness to the turdness,» he notes in a failed attempt at gangsta speak).
Its easy to find fault in a person's work but Muschietti can be forgiven for a few of your noted misteps — it his first attempt at writing and directing.
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