Sentences with phrase «attempt by some detractors»

He urged International Media to disregard attempt by some detractors to give ruling APC bad name in the social media.

Not exact matches

Re: # 46 The item strikes me as a good - faith attempt at balance that fell prey to the usual journalistic pitfall; that is, it poses on one side the IPCC consensus view and on the other individual detractors like Patrick Michaels (citing 3 blog entries by him, no less — not peer - reviewed papers).
There is a history of those in power attempting to placate their detractors by encouraging an «official venue» for discussion as a distraction technique.
We thought he wasn't entirely serious about this campaign, it was just a rather childish attempt to prove to his detractors at Spiked - Online that the Green movement wasn't dominated by the upper classes.
«There also appears to be a pervasive attempt by the real estate industry and others to ostracize its detractors
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