Sentences with phrase «attempted by the learner»

The training modules that are not attempted by the learner, since they are already more than familiar with the content, can include an option to «test out».

Not exact matches

I also received a number of reasonable, but still mistaken, responses attempting to explain the 50 % increase in the teaching workforce without improved results by blaming special education and English Language Learners (ELL).
The greater level of detail made possible with Watershed enabled Nuance to uncover instances where learners are trying to «game» the system by taking the pre-test after having already attempted another copy of the same test included in the course to get the right answers.
In the typical courtroom scenario, what one finds is a jury, comprised mostly of visual learners, who are waiting to be shown the information, and lawyers, who are auditory learners and teachers, attempting to communicate the information by verbally explaining it.
Dr Lisa Dorn of Cranfield University researched RRBT and found that the pass rate for the driving test over two attempts improves by 14.2 % for learners who complete the RRBT online training programme.
** Research shows that the cumulative pass rate for the driving test over two attempts improved by 14.2 % for learners who had completed our online training programme compared to learners who had not.
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