Sentences with phrase «attempts at dialogue»

Refn probably could have turned this into a terrific silent movie, so damaging are the attempts at dialogue.
Deadlines come and go - a situation not helped by McGuinness» untimely death and an unexpected general election result which has pockmarked attempts at dialogue.
A comparative and critical examination of different perceptions of the religious faiths, is one of the earliest attempts at dialogue.
Jurgen Habermas comments on the ontological illusion that Socratic dialogue is possible under any and all circumstances; whereas in fact attempts at dialogue are repeatedly closed off by invisible interests hidden behind objectivism's desire to derive everything from itself.
For Libya, there are lessons to be learned from the recent attempt at dialogue in Yemen, which finished on the 21st of January 2014.

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«Shakespeare this ain't, and Gears 3 struggles at times with its forced attempts at heart - string pluckery, but I can forgive it as much; gore - starved guns adorned with toothy chainsaws easily atone for any cheesiness suffered along the way... the Gears 3 story continues with what amounts to a blood - drenched tale of woe, suffering, loss and absolution, cathartica that stands out in harsh relief when framed by the»80s era Schwarzenegger - ness of most of the dialogue.
Further complicating the matter is the perhaps overly ambitious agenda of the volume — attempting not only to engage in Jewish - Christian dialogue from the perspective of Judaism, but, at the same time, to renew Jewish self - understanding and provide Christian responses.
Thankfully nakedpastor is a site that encourages healthy dialogue with any spiritual journey and discourages ridicule and attempts at superiority where spiritual differences exist in independent walks.
Dialogue can never be an attempt at conversion, nor can it occur if one party assumes an objective ultimacy or a superiority for his or her point of view.
From my own peculiar point of vantage I sense that many Christians may be missing something — a message hidden in Scripture, in the words of the church fathers, and in the deliberations at Vatican II — without which our attempts at interfaith dialogue will be of little or no avail.
They did not see any real transformations taking place at the end of the dialogue, nor did they see it as a meaningful attempt to heal old wounds.
This tendency could lend extra credibility to BP's link, since it shows up at the top of the search results list, making it an «Orwellian» attempt to control the public dialogue (a view amplified by media coverage saying that the company «bought search terms» rather than «bought ads related to search terms).
• In a bungled attempt at clarification of a letter by Valerie Yule about using concert technology to help older people discriminate dialogue (19 March, p 33), we added a sentence saying that compensating for the difficulty of picking out voices from low - frequency background noise «often requires that the radio or television be turned up to a level unpleasant for younger ears».
His famous overlapping dialogue, for which he invented a new sound recording system, is an attempt to deny that only one character talks at a time.
It's unfortunate, however, that some pacing problems, lame attempts at humor and tech - speak dialogue bog down the flow of this otherwise - engaging release.
Po, though, is going at this alone, as Tigress attempts to sympathize with him through a story of her own before being interrupted by their arrival at Shen's palace, and the rest of the Furious Five barely have any dialogue once Po has his first flashback.
And unfortunately, that's where the magic ends, because the rest of the film makes many of the same mistakes as its predecessors, with plenty of bad dialogue, poor attempts at humor, and a laughably bad performance by Johnny Whitworth.
But at well over two hours, inutes, the unimportance of the story, the essential emptiness of the central character and writer - director Aaron Sorkinâ $ ™ s attempt to steamroll over plot problems with dialogue make this a break - even proposition at best.
But I kept telling the studio, and I kept telling Ryan, I'm like, «No, the director's cut going to come in at like 2:12,»» Leitch explained about his rough cut of the film before elaborating that the extended version contains a montage of Deadpool attempting suicide, some extra material with Domino and alternate takes of existing scenes with different dialogue.
«I have known disappointments before,» he heartbreakingly tells Bathsheba when she attempts to politely turn him down, but Sheen's best moment comes without a word of dialogue at all.
Such shtick at least marks attempts at humor, unlike the strangely aimless dialogue.
Bullets fly (and fly and fly), things blow up (and blow up and blow up), our hero makes one miraculously death - defying escape after another, and... we don't care anything about any of it because it insults our intelligence so repeatedly (attempts at witty dialogue or not).
What a tedious film.Over acting, wobbly plot, dialogue at times pure drivel and a laughable ending.It really was poor.The film goes straight into a Cul de Sac and can not get out.Way too much nudity from the metro sexual looking Tilda Swinton.Her androgynous body quite turned my stomach.A redeeming feature was the glorious sunshine and powerful light of Italy.The film meanders, wobbles and finally falls down.Older people like Swinton and Fiennes should really keep their pants on at all times.It is acutely embarrassing when the oldies need to do so much nudity (l suspect it is to appease their insecurity that they might not be physically desirable anymore) Horrible attempt at film making
With dialogue that deftly explores serious questions, such as how much if anything do wealthy countries owe the poor and oppressed of the world, «Black Panther» draws energy from Coogler's sense of excitement at all he's attempting.
In an attempt to be funny, the script uses flippant, silly dialogue and takes a few lowball jabs at Twilight.
Matt Salinger — the son of J.D. Salinger — had the misfortune of starring in a B - Movie attempt at a superhero flick, filled as it was with bad acting, silly dialogue, a plot that would make an episode of «Captain Planet» blush, and some extremely poor action sequences.
The movie is filled with spectacular special effects and a booming musical score from Michael Giacchino (Jurassic World / Star Trek Into Darkness), but unfortunately suffers from a convoluted plot, poor attempts at humor, mediocre dialogue, and below average acting performances.
While there are plenty of attempts at ordinary dialogue - based and over-the-top physical humor, it's the moments of pure elegance and drama that, accompanied by a soothingly effective score, make this film memorable.
Michael's obsession with defecation and Eddie's futile attempts at sexual relations, along with plenty of dialogue about surgically enhanced body parts, quickly become tiresome.
Line after line of dialogue rolls by and almost nothing strikes the funny bone, and in between the attempts at wit come some very tired gags, like Steven's girlfriend, played by Callista Flockhart («Ally McBeal»), taking a Pomeranian hostage for barking too much.
Some bits unfold in montage style with non-synched dialogue, which may represent an attempted stab at artfulness, but instead come across as a budgetary concession, and impinge mightily on character identification.
I haven't mentioned the execrable dialogue, which sounds suspiciously like James Cameron's attempts at English.
The main characters do a lot of talking, with few attempts at humor in their dialogue.
Unfunny movies with shitty production values, horrible dialogue and not even an attempt at acting?
Based on the novel by Fred Zackel, made for NBC by O.J.'s production house, Cocaine and Blue Eyes marks an attempt at a modern noir private investigator flick, complete with voice over narration, damsels in distress, and dialogue that wouldn't sound foreign if Humphrey Bogart had said them 50 years before.
Strange Magic, told with about a 60/40 split between «70s hits and dialogue — leading to some artful integration of song and story and some very artless attempts at integration of same — feels dumbed down, lowest common denominator.
In response to an onslaught of misinformation that has been put forth during LAUSD board meetings by anti-charter groups, CCSA is attempting dispel charter myths and balance the dialogue and rhetoric that is being promulgated at these meetings.
«Attempts at reform to help struggling students backfired, at least in part, because policymakers neglected to spend more time engaging in dialogue with teachers about how to address student motivation issues and the ramifications of failure on high - stakes universally required tasks,» Mac Iver writes.
Teachers wrote and shared about their problems and about attempts and successes in their practice in a variety of formats, including through e-mail, individual conferences with project staff, campus and content group work sessions, at - large project meetings, parent - teacher - student dialogues, and ongoing conversations with teacher peers.
We wish we could laugh at their pretensions of expanding the horizons of the genre, at their pathetic attempts to write tough - guy dialogue, but the sad fact is, most of these eggheads have pretty damn good taste when it comes to hard - boiled fiction.
Her internal dialogue shows her (unsuccessful) attempt at calming herself.
These missions would have arguably had some justification had they at least been used to flesh out Mondo's personality a little more, attempting to cultivate that James Bond theme, but he remains almost entirely mute throughout each date, and your targeted «beauty» utters the same lines few lines of dialogue over and over.
Linear shooting segments with zero innovation, enemies that respawned in certain spots until you got bored and ran straight through, half - asleep dialogue and in - game «chapters» that were literally five minute cutscenes, this was Ready at Dawn's first attempt at a big triple - A release, and so far, it might end up being their last.
Final Fantasy VII burst onto the PS1 with graphics that amazed and a story that overwhelmed gamers everywhere, but in its earnest attempt at creating a connection to the player, something happened that allowed the genre to slowly spiral out of control into a never - ending battle against goofy dialogue, uncanny graphics, and an over-abundance of drama played up for the sake of drama.
The characters themselves are all fairly likeable and the World Tour mode attempts to tie in a story by using anime stills, and although the story is particularly bad, the dialogue is fairly tongue in cheek and I did notice myself smiling at the charm and over-the-top nature of it all.
Much like an epic motion picture, my paintings attempt to bring about a dialogue in sensitivity, which will evoke feelings of the spiritual at work.
The occupiers were allowed to stay as attempts were made at dialogue and mediation.
In relooking at existing objects and offering them alternative readings, she attempts to propose new narratives that aim to contribute to wider dialogues on remembrance, shared stories and identity.
We'll finish up by saying congratulations to Vantage Asia who are at least attempting to create dialogue about rights based law in China as a part of their daily business activities — and to the other independents for working on the ground with freelancers and local firms to create alternative channels of communication that we hope in the future will bring rule of law by stealth.
We know from participating in some of the high - level seminars held in preparation of the Declaration that the suggestion for increased political dialogue originates in an attempt at opening other channels for communications in addition to litigation before the Court.
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