Sentences with phrase «attending to all»

In my judgment they are not really all that obscure, and the consequences of not attending to them in the past two centuries has had seriously damaging and dangerous consequences.
He just reads it and does not get between the book and those attending to it, unless, of course, he has an abnormal craving for attention.
The corporate trend toward articulating mission, corporate values and ethics statements, as well as attending to corporate culture and external constituencies, points to areas laden with notions of purpose, value, obligation and community - notions inherent in faith communities.
Taken together, the essays teach the importance of attending to the specific historical processes by which religious freedom is realized in each particular place.
The road to God is found by carefully attending to the way within, by attending to those moments when a new feeling breaks through or a new idea emerges.
There are many people sitting in church pews that believe that by attending to church their salvation is secured.
The metaphorical response to the saving act of God in history, that subtle and complex instance of attending to ultimacy in our immediacies, to the mystery of the Kingdom in the midst of historical circumstances, is thus seen to be a persisting and unexpendable witness to the very realities that inform and sustain our authentic existence.
The chief argument against decentralizing production and attending to the well being of workers is that it would lead to less productivity of labor, less efficiency, higher costs, and inferior goods.
«We ought to be as careful in attending to the needs of the body as we are to the needs of the soul.
But the basic meaning here, remembering that according to Hebrew psychology flesh - and - blood means simply human nature, is that eternal life comes by attending to the concrete historical words and deeds of Jesus.
Even local television outlets have reporters in Vatican City, attending to all the details of the election and après - election.
This was attending to the object as that which provided satisfactions to the subject.
A second reason is that by attending to our options and really choosing freely what we decide to do, we are more alert to all the possible options in every situation.
Along with attending to the Word, Christians have felt God's redemptive love quite palpably in such sacraments as baptism, Eucharist, and marriage.
In John 3:11 - 13 we get the second main point of the discourse: that an answer to the question about Jesus will not be given by scanning the heavens, but by attending to the human words and deeds of the one standing before you, the Son of man - that is, this concrete earthly man.
Helpful though this kind of analysis can be, it also can keep us from attending to the complex everyday realities of political life.
All three emphasized personal purity and conversion, a life of diligence in attending to the scriptures, a clear vision of God's kingdom becoming a moral community on earth, and an active inner - worldly approach to social improvement and moral asceticism.
Attending to the consequences of our ideas helps us test their worth.
Where Sartre seeks to recoup humanism through a methodology that allows him to debunk any competing ideology, Solzhenitsyn seeks to recover human integrity by attending to the particulars of history as part of a larger, if hidden, spiritual drama that must be lived to be understood.
But today we see the consequences of not adequately attending to it.
The map for this journey involves attending to your body, mind, environment and emotional state.
In a large, fragmented, opportunity - rich American city, the way to restore community is by attending to the city's institutions — from schools to businesses, from shopping centers to entertainment centers.
Instead of attending to Aristotle's own careful preliminary definition of what he means by» (present) in another,» Harts - home allowed this notion of «presence in» to float ambiguously, unexamined, until it became implicitly transformed into a notion of sheer logical inclusion.
Why are you here and not attending to those in need?
Furthermore, attending to temporal distinctions and to the social character of reality, Hartshorne discovers that ethics needs a divine memory.
Attending to one generation to the exclusion of the others distorts our ability to care for any of them.
Individuals may lose interest in attending to their own personal hygiene, have little interest in interacting with others, and rarely seem to feel or express strong emotions.
Early on, having admitted the difficulty of speaking of ultimate mystery at all, he adds, «This does not mean that it is not worth saying, that it is just empty talk... I do have some things to say, but... I want it understood from the outset how problematic all of this is, how uncertain; but however uncertain, these are matters worth attending to, worth trying to understand as well as we can.»
To pay attention to him either indirectly, by attending to his image which we all bear, or directly, by attending to him as portrayed in the Scriptures and by praying, has the effect of relieving some of the burden of evil we carry and enabling our love for others to increase.
Even if we did better approximate this ideal, however, we might not be attending to all our neighbors.
To focus entirely on paradigmatic modes of thought is to pull away from attending to consciousness, and therefore, to the human act of sense - making.
However if I experience such pain when not doing anything wrong, I'm going to ask you to consider attending to what you have expressed.
If you continue with such claims you'll get the fortress, if you are open to considering my request about attending to how you express then perhaps things can change in the way you see me engage.
By attending to the other's story, they aim to create a bridge of understanding.
What Washington understood» something as true today as it is difficult to say out loud» is that attending to the sensibilities of whites is directly in the interest of blacks.
He humbled himself and took upon him the form of a servant, but he did not come to spend his life as a servant in some private employment, attending to his tasks without in any manner making himself known, either to his master or to his fellow servants — such a measure of wrath we dare not ascribe to the God.
Peaceful co-existence does not demand a religious life, it only requires attending to people's prosperity and well being.
One way that we can engage with the world around us is by attending to the practical needs of our neighbors.
It is conventional to distinguish between theological schools that focus on the education of ministers by attending to the «heart knowledge» of God that people have through their Christian experience, through their piety or spirituality, and theological schools that focus on the education of Christian intellectuals by attending to the «head knowledge» of God that people have through critical intellectual inquiry.
Would I be right in guessing the meaning you want to convey is that pastors / the church are often driven by greed and that giving financially to the church doesn't necessarily result in attending to the needs of the vulnerable?
And then he asked absolution for my sins, and sent me forth to be a better boy, which I have tried to be, trying to pay particular attention, as instructed, to attending to women with respect and reverence, which is an assignment we should all share, it seems to me.
Focusing on others means attending to the challenges and limits that they confront in the practice of their faith.
One might find at least a tiny echo of this inadequate notion of reform in his initial impulse to rebuild Christ's Church by attending to ecclesiastical masonry — an episode in the early steps of his pilgrimage toward Christ that makes me think of present - day temptations to live the New Evangelization by getting top - drawer management consultants to advise the Church on messaging.
My week at the Duke Summer Institute taught me lament Unlearn innocence Unlearn speed (fixing things) Unlearn distance Unlearn easy consolation Attending to wounds, listening Going to Ramah, presence I am part of the problem
Secretary of State John Kerry is now being charged with jump - starting, yet again, the peace process by attending to growing settlements, the fate of Jerusalem and other hot - button issues.
Once Reinhardt's Rule gets set in law, you will have to take very special care about who will be attending to the details of your hospital stay.
Over the years, Derr has demonstrated an almost heroic patience in attending to the literature of radical environmentalism, and responding to arguments point by point.
Had he done so, particularly attending to works of patristic and medieval thought, to which by training, time, and temperament he was ill disposed, he might have encountered ideas that would have given him cause to think again.
When we study something like theology or apologetics we delight in attending to those arguments that only count in favor of our views.
Regrettably, however, most Orthodox Churches seem to be retreating into a stifling, sheltered and safe provincialism, which they explain — or excuse — as attending to internal affairs, which in turn are reckoned as more important pastorally than concerns for collaboration or collegiality.
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