Sentences with phrase «attends class»

You don't have to take an hour or two to attend a class to practice relaxation.
DeGroote recently launched a full - time cohort program, in which students attend classes with a small group Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 to 4:30; a part - time cohort program is set to launch in 2018.
He transferred to NYU where he could work and attend classes simultaneously.
Russell, who grew up in Manhattan, spent the semester attending classes and interning with Superfly, the company behind the Bonnaroo music festival.
Nearly every morning, one runs some three miles from her neighborhood to attend the class (subway options between her apartment and the studio are poor).
Though he dropped out of Reed College, he stayed on campus to attend classes of his own choosing.
The George W. Bush appointee isn't merely an outspoken critic of affirmative action today — he was among the most hostile questioners in Fisher and a virtual lock to vote against Texas» admissions policy — but also was part of a conservative alumni group at Princeton that was sharply critical of such policies 40 years ago, when Sotomayor was attending classes there.
Musk has noted that in college he rarely attended classes and instead just showed up to take the exams.
You can attend a class, teach one or host a class and have someone else do the teaching.
Yet even though his funds were cut off, he kept attending his classes.
He also attended classes at Brooklyn College, NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and Warren Wilson College for poetry in North Carolina.
You don't even need to spend money to attend classes, seminars or workshops for this.
Attend a class at a local university.
Borrowers who are out of college or are attending classes less than half - time can consolidate their federal student loans.
One of the hardest parts of the whole process was being bald, but everyone was very supportive and I never felt self conscious while attending class.
If your state does not have any home inspector licensing regulations attend the class of your choice.
Laney Smith, our studio manager, would craft social media posts asking clients if they attended class that day — and ensuring they were planning to attend later.
Yes, however there were mornings that I really didn't feel well and had to force myself to attend a class, always knowing I could stop or leave if I needed too.
The innovative Pure Barre technique, ever - changing classes, and the non-impact nature of the workout allows clients to attend classes for years without getting bored or reaching a plateau.
Our online curriculum is ideal for busy professionals who need the flexibility to attend classes on their own schedule.
I am forever grateful for being able to attend the class.
First, investing in real estate can provide a steady source of income while you are attending classes, as well as beyond graduation.
Entrepreneurs are considered lead founders and must attend all classes through the summer and participate fully during this period of time.
The added bonus of fun, upbeat choreography, and the Pure Barre friendships she made through attending class, lead Lauren to want to become an owner / operator of her own Pure Barre studio, so that she could share her experience with others.
I attend classes 5 to 6 days a week.
I had been searching for the perfect pre-wedding workout for my July wedding, so when she invited me to attend a class with her one Saturday morning I decided to give it a shot!
The funeral was attended by a large number of students who attended his class.
The funeral was attended by a large number of students who attended his classes.
Why that fails however (in my opinion) is that classes are paid for by ALL student fees and meet in rooms that are paid for by ALL student fees but are ALL students allowed to attend any class?
In order to make sure he agrees, Levi must attend a class to learn all the distinctives of the doctrinal statement, and then sign on the dotted line.
Levi must then attend a class to learn about the various spiritual gifts, and be shown where the openings are.
Each young mother learns to manage a budget, shop at the market, care for her child and still attend classes and work.
I have been taught this less by my feminist professional colleagues than by the students who have attended my classes on passes from hospitals or after therapy sessions, in which they are being treated for wounds inflicted by men (and sometimes women) who abused them as children or as adults.
Under the new French law, anyone caught purchasing sex from a prostituted woman will be fined and required to attend classes on the harms of the practice.
Even better, by attending these classes could give us a new perspectives and deepen our knowledge to learn about our own religion.
• In a university town in Washington state, the children are at the center while their parents — predominantly students or faculty members — attend classes.
How would you go to attend class on Christmas when its a national public Holiday.
Jo, students do not attend classes on Christmas because schools are not in session at that time.
I am a Christian and I do see the unfairness in the situation and the inconveience of not being able to celebrate due to having to attend class.
I still remember when I was in Seminary and I was attending a class on the book of Romans, and after class as all of us students were filing out the door, one of the students said to me, «The professor is wrong.
But the immediate task is to satisfy the customer who pays to attend the classes.
It was his custom, every Saturday and Sunday, to get up before dawn and walk nine miles from his home to Mass and then attend classes to deepen his knowledge of the Catholic faith.
A congregation may offer an occasional course on sexuality for teens, adults, or both, but the issue is more than whether members would attend classes to learn about their sexuality.
But the very nature of the division of spiritual formation of Christians between lay leaders in the Sunday School and pastoral leaders in the church leaves people with the idea that Christian faith can be learned by attending classes.
Hundreds of monuments to slavery still stand throughout the Southeast, such as Jefferson Davis High School in Montgomery, Alabama, where a student population that's 94 percent black attends classes in a building that honors a man who claimed the horrors of slavery.
For the past 2 months I've been attending a class where we have been studying a book titled The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee and I feel that it is a great book for anyone dealing with issues such as fear of rejection, failure, shame and the fear of punishment and how those issues can be overcome when you apply the truth of Jesus» work on the cross to everyday life.
After attending classes in Eastern religion and the 19th - century English novel, she walks down the main street of this small university town with her new friend, Helen Kim to one of their favorite eating spots, Hoagie Haven, which is owned by Greek immigrants and run by Guatemalans.
Until recently, few medical schools permitted others than those pursuing a medical degree to attend their classes.
For instance, the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania has an arrangement with the Marriage Council of Philadelphia whereby clergymen being trained in counseling under the auspices of the Marriage Council are permitted to attend classes in the medical school.
I stopped attending classes when I needed to complete only a couple of classes to graduate.
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