Sentences with phrase «attention of researchers»

The phrase "attention of researchers" means that researchers are interested in something and are focusing their study or investigation on it. Full definition
It also caught the attention of researchers, who spent three years and $ 1.1 million compiling «the world's first systematic global investigation into the responses of Christian communities to the violation of their religious freedom.»
Back in the 1980s, umbilical cord blood caught the attention of researchers who suspected that the often - discarded tissue could be a valuable source of shape - shifting stem cells.
Nanocrystals selectively infused, or «doped», with rare - earth ions have attracted the attention of researchers, because of their low toxicity and ability to convert low - energy laser light into violet - colored luminescence emissions — a process known as photon upconversion.
Caves and skylights on Mars and the moon have recently attracted the attention of researchers keen on finding the best places to build extraterrestrial habitats (as well as those looking for extraterrestrial — likely microbial — life).
But this unassuming structure has caught the attention of researchers at laboratories in the United Kingdom, Texas, and Georgia and even at IBM.
«There is no question that this will get the attention of researchers in the semiconductor community and entice them to explore how this technology can lead to smaller, more energy - efficient processors in the next decade,» Rabaey said.
CBD and THC, two of the main active ingredients in marijuana, are gaining the attention of researchers because of their pain - relieving potential.
However, if this is to be done, especially one problem captures the attention of the researchers.
One compound found in hops, called xanthohumol, has gotten the attention of researchers for its potential benefits, including antioxidation, cardiovascular protection and anticancer properties.
A number of articles have been published in the popular press about smartphone obsession, although the phenomenon is only just beginning to draw the attention of researchers.
The Colombian man came to the attention of researchers at the Pontifical Bolivarian University in his home town of Medellin when he sought care because of fatigue, fever, a cough and weight loss.
The brightness of NLuc has caught the attention of researchers wanting to perform whole - animal imaging, however NLuc's emission peak is at 460 nm thus making it non-optimal for in vivo imaging.
As natural health advocates continue to sound the alarm about fluoride — which is linked with debilitating bone disease, low thyroid function, reduced IQ, infertility and various forms of cancer — a unique fruit is gaining the attention of researchers for its fluoride - detoxifying properties.
In the 1950s, raw cabbage juice caught the attention of researchers, and was found to have anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive tract.
Biotin first came to the attention of researchers for what is still its most famous characteristic — that raw egg whites can interfere with biotin nutrition.
Recently their antioxidant levels have caught the attention of researchers.
Autophagy has gained the attention of researchers who recognize its benefits for managing inflammation, slowing the effects of aging, and treating various chronic diseases, such as autoimmune disease and cancer — more on this later!
Quercetin, a natural plant compound found in fruits and vegetables, has attracted the attention of researchers for its antioxidant, allergy - reducing and anti-inflammatory properties.
Because of its role in lowering glucose and insulin levels, metformin has gotten the attention of researchers as a way to treat or even prevent cancer.
Within this context of obesity and blood sugar regulation, another aspect of raspberry phytonutrients has captured the attention of researchers involving the ability of raspberry extracts to block activity of an enzyme called alpha - glucosidase.
The cougar dating phenomenon has been growing by such astounding numbers recently, that the scene finally grabbed the attention of researchers.
Given the fiscal and human capital expended on teacher attrition, identifying factors that influence attrition is of the utmost concern, posing a challenge that has drawn the attention of researchers and policy makers alike.
The maintenance and management of special place like this attract the attention of researchers from all over the world.
These hidden lakes, some comparable in size to North America's Great Lakes, have caught the attention of researchers like Anesio and Wadham in recent years for several reasons.
Adopted by many clinicians in the United States, Europe, and Asia, the therapy came to the attention of researchers in the Netherlands who were developing a large - scale study of treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder.
«Green therapy,» also known as ecotherapy, is gaining the attention of researchers, nature enthusiasts, and people in search of alleviating symptoms of depression.
This «grim reaper» of relationships has attracted the attention of researchers who aim to identify tendencies that put partners at risk for getting into «sticky situations» outside of their current relationship.
Our Hotline data and our communication with the research community helps bring family observations and experiences to the attention of researchers.
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