Sentences with phrase «attention on my breathing»

/ Focus your attention on your breathing.
/ As you practice breathing, as described above, close your eyes and concentrate all of your attention on your breathing.
So the best way I have found to improve my breathing pattern, is to relax regularly during the day and pay attention on my breathing.
By first building a strong foundation in your practice with attention on breathing correctly, the later limbs will unfold more easily and without danger.
Focus all your attention on your breathing.
Focused attention on breathing, stretching, gentle strengthening, and refinement of balance.
Your task is to focus your entire attention on your breathing, and nothing else, for the full minute.
Focus your attention on your breathing.

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Concentrate on whatever you're doing, pray, pay attention to your breathing, whatever your doing.
I eat, sleep and breathe UVa, and whether it's sports, academics, student life or anything else, if it's got sabres on it, it's got my attention.
A number of players needed medical attention on the pitch, with several seen to be crying and struggling to breathe.
Ask him to close his eyes and to breathe in the smell trying to focus all his attention on it.
The footage — which sparked outrage by the Staten Island father being pulled to the ground by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo while saying «I can't breathe,» during an arrest on a Tompkinsville street, brought national attention to the case.
The training begins with sedentary mindfulness practice, where participants are instructed to focus on experiences like eating and breathing, but gradually more and more movement is incorporated, culminating in a sport - specific meditation in which athletes or coaches apply a mindful style of attention to their actual sport performance.
Breathe with this type of awareness for 10 minutes or so, allowing your attention to be soft and undemanding, like rose petals on your skin.
«If you're running, zeroing in on the physical means paying attention to your breathing, listening to your feet hit the pavement, and, yes, ditching the music,» explains Cooper Chou, a New York City - based yoga and meditation teacher at New York Health and Racquet Club, who is also a runner.
Mindfulness meditation involves sitting in a comfortable position in a chair or on the floor on a comfortable cushion, closing one's eyes, and paying attention to one's breathing for a period of anywhere from five to 30 minutes or more.
By intentionally focusing attention on your breath, you are practicing conscious breathing.
By cultivating concentration on specific points as you breathe through a sequence, you'll move closer to the full expression of each posture and you'll also naturally withdraw attention from the world around you, creating a sense of calm perspective and self - understanding.
The method of Aṣṭāṅga yoga first stabilizes the body and mind through daily practice of the these first three limbs with attention on deep and even diaphragmatic breathing, which is in itself a foundational prāṇāyāma.
Mindful Breathing Take a few minutes a day (in the morning or before you engage in an athletic event or exercise) to pay attention to your breath, which can bring on a calm and clear state of mind.
As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention — as in some kinds of meditation — on your bodily sensations.
Work on controlled breathing with deliberate movements, paying attention to the angles that feel more difficult to do.
Then let your attention rest on your natural rhythm of breathing.
When you notice that your mind has wandered away from being focused on your breathing, gently, without any judgment, bring your attention back to the physical sensations of your breath.
The researchers then wanted to know if alternate nostril breathing could still lower blood pressure while improving performance on a vigilance test that required sustained attention and alertness, qualities that are generally associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity (including heart rate and blood pressure).
Pay attention to your breath: Cold weather can actually spur on short breathing, especially if you're already at risk for asthma.
From The Eleanor R. Liebman Center for Secular Meditation, Monkton, Vermont — Five Breathing and Meditation Practices — Attention and concentration on the breath are common practices to attune meditation capacity.
The practice involves sitting comfortably, focusing on your breathing, and then bringing your mind's attention to the present without drifting into concerns about the past or future.
With certain practices, including mindfulness (bringing one's complete attention to the present experience on a moment - to - moment basis), meditation (a self - directed practice, often using focused breathing, for relaxing the body and calming the mind) and gratitude, it is possible to re-access a deeper happiness that is available regardless of the day - to - day challenges that life presents.
They are to focus on their breathing, taking deep cleansing breaths, breathing in and out slowly, and paying particular attention to how breathing feels in their nostrils, lungs, and bellies... breathe in peace and healing... and exhale allowing anything that needs to go flow effortlessly out.»
Most often we pay attention to our breathing, but sometimes we focus on ambient sounds, our emotions, a mental activity, etc..
Therefore, we do not impose a limit on the year of publication for entries, which means winning a Dragonfly Book Award can breathe new life into your book's marketing strategies and give it renewed attention and appreciation by the book industry and readers alike.
Occasionally, a dog abruptly stops breathing on induction - not to worry, so long as you're paying attention, this can be rectified immediately.
In terms of the effect of the two drugs on breathing and circulation (things we pay very careful attention to during anesthesia), they are virtually interchangeable — they produce dose related depression and it is about the same for each.»
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was just released on the Nintendo Switch and it's a perfect example of how Nintendo's attention to detail breathes life into their games.
Nothing to distract you from your surrounding soundscape, even on terrorist hunt you'll want to pay attention to every slight breathing or beeping as a warning that something explosive is near by.
Views from city windows, gentle scenes of washing lines in back gardens, the artist's shadow on a summer lawn with her painting tools at the far edge of the image: these objects of the painter's attention declare themselves while leaving room to breathe for both viewer and artist.
If you want to, feet flat, sit up, eyes closed, breathe deeply, and just for 60 seconds put your full field of attention on the felt sense of air coming in and out of your nose.
During concentrative meditation you focus your attention on a single sound, object or breathing pattern to bring about a calm, tranquil mind.
The acts of sitting and consciously breathing interrupt angry thoughts, because they focus attention on these tasks.
Some people practice mindfulness by sitting and focusing on their breathing (like meditation), whereas others bring mindfulness into their daily lives by awakening their minds and paying attention to experiences, such as walking, eating, talking with others, washing dishes, experiencing emotions, and so on.
Several studies have been published analyzing the effect of different aspects of Yoga including cleansing techniques, physical postures, breathing practices, relaxation techniques and meditation on attention, and self - esteem (Sethi, Nagendra, & Ganpat, 2013).
Take the basic practice of awareness and counting of the breath, where we sit and bring attention to our normal breathing (available in most introductory books and articles, and demonstrated on my website's mindfulness page).
The curriculum is based on a program created by U.S. psychologist Patricia Broderick, author of the book «Learning to breathe: A mindfulness curriculum for adolescents to cultivate emotion regulation, attention, and performance.»
Anytime you are in pain (or anticipating something painful), if you open your mouth so your jaw «drops,» and exhale slowly and with a little bit of force, then breathe in and out again, but focus your attention on your exhale breath... that can elevate your endorphins (which relieve pain) and lower your stress hormones.
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