Sentences with phrase «attitude of mind»

What other ways do you foster the thought processes and attitudes of mind associated with creativity in your classroom?
There are four main attitudes of mind open to those who consider these problems.
He believed that attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness.
Such painting suggests an «impure» attitude of mind which accepts chance, change and «action» - an art bound to time and duration.
«The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.»
Fasting should be part of a total attitude of mind not an isolated ingredient.
Christian detachment subsists wholly in this wider attitude of mind; but instead of «leaving behind» it leads on; instead of cutting off, it raises.
«In your relationships with one another,» he explains, «have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant he humbled himself and became obedient to death — even death on a cross!»
Since they considered philosophy a means of inner transformation rather than a purely theoretical endeavor, the ancients aimed not at resolving abstract problems or thinking systematically but at preparing themselves for truth and making themselves susceptible to it by cultivating certain attitudes of mind: equanimity and absence of worry ataraxia), independence (autarkeia), good disposition euthumia), and so forth.
For myself I nevertheless find the discontinuities in nature so great and so obvious that I stick to the dualist position as an essential attitude of mind — I am, so to speak, a pragmatic dualist.
«I have come to disregard the meaning of this attitude for bodily health as such, because that comes of itself, as an incidental result, and can not be found by any special mental act or desire to have it, beyond that general attitude of mind I have referred to above.
Well - meaning, helpful, good - natured attitudes of mind have not come to be honored on account of their usefulness, but because they are states of richer souls that are capable of bestowing and have their value in the feeling of the plenitude of life.
This is only a short step from Alan Watts's paraphrase of the Zen attitude of mind:
Antinomianism is that attitude of mind which holds that all law has been banished and abrogated for the Christian.
Quote of the day: «The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.»
What is most important is to teach the thought processes and attitudes of mind associated with creativity, which include the exploration of intrinsically meaningful ideas as perceived by students.
As Josef Pieper suggests, «It is, in the first place, are attitude of mind, a condition of the soul...»»14 Marion Clawson notes this qualitative distinction regarding leisure by recognizing that within one's discretionary time (what we have called merely «leisure - time»), some activities are what might be labeled «unfun,» i.e., «those undertaken out of boredom, or for escape, or because of lack of better opportunities.
The man who has the attitude of mind which is rooted in eternity is neither deceived by the illusive glamours of this world nor unduly cast down by the unexplained suffering and the unsolved problems which confront him on all sides.
The most we can do is first to break the problems down into what can partially be answered and what can not, and secondly, to suggest an attitude of mind which can be honestly held without the necessity for denying the existence of a God of Love.
Now the man who has the attitude of mind which is rooted in eternity is neither deceived by the illusive glamours of this world nor unduly cast down by the unexplained suffering and the unsolved problems which confront him on all sides.
Man's conditions of life, his perceptions and outlook, his attitude of mind, both toward himself and toward any possible Creator, have all changed so enormously in the last sixty or seventy years that we face an almost a new situation.
Yet if he were seriously to accept the attitude of mind which prevails throughout the whole New Testament he might come to see that, although there are many things which appear to deny the love and justice of God in this life, he is quite literally in no position to judge the final issue.
In your occupation, what is your attitude of mind?
The law required «affirmation of a belief and an attitude of mind,» and Jackson asserted that the Witnesses» motive for refusing to comply was not the hinge on which the case turned.
What finally divides the men of today into two camps is not class but an attitude of mind — the spirit of movement.
«You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.»
The answer is to be found in their attitude of mind, in their beliefs about the world.
It is like private worship in all the attitudes of mind and spirit that are required.
What all fundamentalists have in common is not a set of specific beliefs but an attitude of mind.
But that attitude of mind is poles apart from that of the man who thinks only in terms of the revolutionary contributions which science has made to human living on the material plane.
But what really puzzles me is the attitude of mind adopted by the humanist who denies the existence of God.
Not only has the objective world about him been modified by human achievement; but the forms and attitudes of his mind which allow him to make sense of the objective world have been given him by culture.20
The attitude of mind is to say the values remain fixed but the means of their application shift with shifting times.»
All New Labour was, was an attitude of mind.
Mitchell QC says words attributed to MP were «ghastly caricature of an attitude of mind which has been out of date for years»
The primary tool of the biophysicist is an attitude of mind.
Nurture the attitudes of mind that generate creativity.
And so what distinguishes from our perspective, how we have defined independent author is not whether you use a trade publisher or an assisted self - publishing service, whether you go DIY to Amazon only or whether, you know, what service you use, so much as an attitude of mind essentially that says, I am the creative director of my book from conception to completion.
Norbert Brunner's works are meant to inspire for the beholder to get a «broader «attitude of mind.
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