Sentences with phrase «attitudes for»

I believe that you need to possess these attitudes for managing any business these days.
Some attitudes for the new year stolen, er, gathered from intensive research at the recent NAR Conference in New Orleans, mostly from Mike Aubrey, Realtor star of HGTV.
These ingredients make room in our minds, emotions, and attitudes for experiencing healthy conflict and greater intimacy in your marriage.
The present study aims to explore the implications of sexist attitudes for the division of childcare responsibilities.
We can increase our cultural competence by developing knowledge, skills and attitudes for working effectively and respectfully with diverse people.
This is a highly interactive and integrated programme, bringing together the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes for the demanding work of facilitating the resolution of emotion and interest based conflict.
Review: limited evidence suggests mental health literacy interventions may improve help - seeking attitudes for depression, anxiety and general psychological distress
Despite the idea that there are more egalitarian gender roles in heterosexual relationships, this research indicates more traditional attitudes for the first date — there are higher expectations for men to initiate, plan and pay for the date.1 According to this work, the vast majority of which focuses on first date scripts held by heterosexual undergraduate students, both men and women think that men have greater sexual expectations and are more likely to make a sexual move on the first date.1, 2
This topic is about how you can help children learn the skills and attitudes for decision making throughout life.
These and other specialized treatments have brought new hope to people with personality disorders, who were often considered untreatable, while changing attitudes for the better in those who work with them.
As a parent, carer, or significant adult, you can help to develop essential skills, habits and attitudes for building resilience at home by helping your child to:
Career Coach, Blogger, Books on developing your employability, internships, and critical attitudes for success.
Career Coach, Blogger, Online Courses for young professionals, Books on developing your employability, internships, and critical attitudes for success.
This process helps the parties try to resolve each other's concerns for financial security, the welfare and care of the children, and their attitudes for parenting together of the children, all which is discussed together and worked through as a team until the agreement of settlement is forged and with much more civility then you find through the judicial system.
The battle between fundamentalists and evolutionary biologists set precedents and attitudes for the AGW debate that follows.
Still, environmental groups have known since 2000 that efforts to link climate change to natural disasters could backfire, after researchers at the Frameworks Institute studied public attitudes for its report «How to Talk About Global Warming.»
Yet she displays a knowledge and familiarity with academic theory and art history: Clement Greenberg; the changing applications of portraiture from Holbein through to Freud; different approaches and time - scales to painting a canvas; the allusive history of certain attitudes for sitters to adopt.
There are a ton of different voices and attitudes for your worms as well.
This leads to greater scrutiny and a sea change in attitudes for financing of speculative companies.
69 % of community members believe their school / district helps students develop positive attitudes for success in life.
They examine, critically and honestly, their own racial and class attitudes for implicit biases and affirmatively counteract any inequities (Hackman, 2005).
Based on the findings from the iQUEST student summer camp data showing increased interest and attitudes for the students who attend, the project leadership is working to identify ways to support implementation of similar experiences into classrooms to increase the positive impact for larger numbers of students.
Planning for action should center on fostering the proper attitudes for Meaningful Student Involvement.
In Beer - Sheva, Israel, the citywide Improving Learning and Motivation program helped students develop new attitudes for succeeding academically and socially.
Cinnamon Brown Mack, Founder / CEO, Victorious Attitudes For Everyday Life, Inc. and Faith Connolly, Executive Director, Baltimore Education Research Consortium September Attendance Matters!
«Researchers at Texas A & M University, who measured changes in environmental attitudes for elementary students in gardening classrooms, support what garden - based educators have experienced for many years: that children engaged in a cross-disciplinary gardening curriculum acquire a direct, personal understanding of what living things require to thrive, and how they adapt and interact with each other.»
hours worth of fully resourced lessons: resilience, self - esteem, aspiration, positivity, to promote and foster positive attitudes for KS3 / 4 students.
Our challenge is not in knowing what works in enhancing positive student attitudes, it's in planning and putting these strategies consistently into practice to foster positive attitudes for all students.
Looking for a fun and engaging activity that reinforces attitudes for growth mindset and positive self image?
They are outlined here in no particular order however they are some of the most useful tools I have applied for instilling the Techniques, Skills and Attitudes for Combat Effectiveness.
And I hope I am modeling much better habits and food attitudes for my children than I grew up with.
They found that reframing the issues around these moral foundations led to shifts in attitudes for conservatives, who were more likely to favor environmental concerns in that context.
Researchers are not arguing that internal conflicts explain all homophobia, because some people may have these attitudes for other reasons, such as religion or culture.
Lots of communication, tenderness, patience and responsiveness are helpful attitudes for a dad during this important time.
Foundation for Success: Shared Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for the Cross-Sector Prenatal Through Age Three Workforce
1 Deborah Dawson, «AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes for January - March 1990: Provisional Data from the National Health Interview Survey»; Joseph F. Fittle and Marcie Cynamon, ibid.
Displaying remarkably liberal attitudes for a Church famed for its conservatism, bishops meeting in the Vatican today also said that a couples» decision on the use of contraception should be respected.
And if we want to argue that we are acting in love, like a parent doling out discipline, we should probably check our attitudes for pettiness and hypocrisy, just to be safe.
These were the seven attitudes for unity.
The best way to prevent these destructive behaviors is to establish clear, fair guidelines and acceptable attitudes for employees to incorporate.
Although the T. Rowe Price survey found that 69 percent of parents are very or extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids, 40 percent are relying on a «do as I say, not as I do» attitude for teaching their kids about money.
«The first 10 minutes can also set the tone and your attitude for the day — so it's imperative that you start it off right, with a clean slate,» he says.
No matter how poor the performance, if you can express your gratitude out loud, you don't just remind yourself, you are reinforcing that attitude for everyone around you.
That's the right attitude for a public servant like Carney to have.
Some had to cope with employees who had neither the formal qualifications nor the right temperament and attitude for their jobs.
The way in which Vishal tried to elucidate the need for a patient and very inquisitive attitude for becoming a successful value investor over the long term was the most important aspect.
The right attitude for the search is not to act the scientist or philosopher making conditions or stipulations for belief, but to act like a little child.
The author shows the significance of this attitude for such fields as ethics, social philosopohy, psychotherapy, and education.
The problem is that means loving one's enemy, which is not an easy attitude for any of us to sustain, especially when we are on the receiving end of violence and / or injustice.
But is hope in God's promise of an ultimately fulfilling future a realistic attitude for us to take?
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