Sentences with phrase «attractive than in his photos»

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Chances are, the more melanin you have, the less likely you would show up as anything more attractive than a smudge, a muddy smirk — or worse, a lurking presence — as you hovered in the back row of the chess club photo.
It was refreshing to be dazzled last Saturday by Prinz and Riise, two players who didn't appear in the poll but who nevertheless reminded everyone that the sport itself can be infinitely more attractive than a photo spread.
Confidence is attractive, so be confident in your appearance and that'll win you more hearts than one lousy photo.
For example, users are generally 5 centimetres shorter in person than they are online, they're generally 20 % poorer and the more attractive a user's photo, the more likely it's out of date.
It looks like one too: Though there's little controversial about the design, it's an attractive, fluid shape that comes off better on the road than in photos.
Following on from this idea, research conducted in the US found that female participants evaluating a photo of a man found him to be slightly more romantically attractive and generally likeable if he was romantically available than if he was living with a romantic partner.
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