Sentences with phrase «attribution studies link»

Indeed, rainfall data reveal significant increases of heavy precipitation over much of Northern Hemisphere land and in the tropics (27) and attribution studies link this intensification of rainfall and floods to human - made global warming (28 ⇓ — 30).
Given this plain and simple refusal to accept or even consider the facts here, I have little doubt that you will dispel out of hand any reference to the attribution studies linking the observed warming to GHGs (like e.g. Stott et al. 2000), or the following droughts in the Mediterranean region or the Moscow Heat wave.

Not exact matches

Another possible issue with attribution science, he says, is that the current generation of simulations simply may not be capable of capturing some of the subtle changes in the climate and oceans — a particular danger when it comes to studies that find no link to human activities.
Brain imaging studies also linked those changing attributions of meaning to particular brain areas.
Smith said his study is not meant to tease out event attribution, and that for many of last year's weather events, it will take months for scientists to determine which variables are linked to certain parts of climate change.
The first cut at the revisions linked above has effectively the same match to the model trends as before (maybe a little better) and so no revisions to the models nor to attribution studies are likely.
As long as we're talking about extreme weather events and attribution... although Kerry Emanuel is usually the go - to guy for the study of increasing tropical cyclone intensity, his 2005 and 2011 (linked to above by Stefan) papers being the most cited, there is a limitation of scope in that only the North Atlantic basin is covered by these papers, AFAIK.
But in fact the methodology that he's used to link the observed warming to increasing greenhouse gases, the so - called attribution step, is not nearly as robust as many other studies have undertaken over the last 10 years.
Model - based climate change detection / attribution studies have linked increasing tropical Atlantic SSTs to increasing greenhouse gases, but proposed links between increasing greenhouse gases and hurricane PDI or frequency has been based on statistical correlations.
Unquestionably the most novel feature of Callendar's work is his effort to link observed temperature change to the influence of CO2 — a field of study referred to today as the problem of «attribution
However, current study being a cross-sectional one might not be able to ascertain the causal link between romantic inclination and relationship status or suggest any directional attributions.
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