Sentences with phrase «auction dogs»

Rescuers who have been buying auction dogs for many years say it is unfair to characterize all commercial breeders as «puppy mills.»
National animal nonprofits and lobbying groups — which often are at odds with one another on issues and legislation — struck a similar chord in saying the purchase of auction dogs at high prices was something other than a form of rescue.
Too many rescues tell sad tales - but are really perpetuating commercial and sometimes substandard breeding - note than many auction dogs are other than AKC registered.
You could raise more money by auctioning dogs», he barks, reducing her to tears.
For Theresa Strader it was the decision to adopt two or three dogs when she heard about a puppy mill in Missouri was auctioning Dogs In A Puppy Mill Cage (Public Domain Image) off its dogs back in 2007.
Secraw has been breeding dogs in Colfax for 25 years - she's U.S.D.A. licensed and her dogs get heating and air conditioning, luxuries auction dogs don't have.
That chain is the first thing to go when Strader and her volunteers bring auction dogs and abandoned dogs back to the Mill Dog Rescue Network's 11,000 - square foot rehabilitation facility in Peyton, east of Colorado Springs.
The rescue groups say buying auction dogs is necessary to remove them from the commercial breeding industry, while others said the practice just feeds money to the very breeders that rescuers often decry as puppy mills.
All of our R dogs in September were auction dogs or breeder dogs that did not earn their keep.
«Auctioning dogs is wrong to begin with and if the AKC registers these dogs they are promoting the auctioning.
The above «sales pitches» are from an auctioneer who is trying to auction dogs to the highest bidder.
Social media is boosting the «puppy mill rescue» movement today, with some rescuers seeking donations specifically to buy auction dogs.
Pratt allegedly made a deal with the USDA to auction her dogs to prevent forfeiture.
Ironically, most of the auctioned dogs are actually bought by humane societies and rescue groups looking to save poorly bred puppies and mother dogs that have bred litters until exhaustion.
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