Sentences with word «auctor»

Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus.
Sed pharetra auctor leo, sit amet interdum risus luctus quis.
Kimmelman (1996) offers a discussion of the concept of auctor that could well be applied to understand the role of comic book authors during the Golden and Silver Ages of American comic books.
In Roman society, an auctor was one who, by virtue of some combination of qualities, was thought to stand closer to the foundational beliefs and forms of life of the Roman people than others and was consequently assigned responsibility for protecting and augmenting those beliefs and ways of living.
Whilst comic strips authors largely worked alone or from home, collaborating with others often through the post, the studios where animation films were made were not unlike medieval scriptoria, where authorial work was carried out collectively and the auctor / scribes / artists worked together on individual desks.
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