Sentences with phrase «audience responds to the work»

So making a living becomes somewhat more probable, depending on work ethic and of course on how your audience responds to the work you give them and if it's compelling enough for word of mouth to go to work.

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Your content marketing only works when your audience responds to it.
Early on, you try to establish character while still being funny, but it's a lot of work, then you shed characters and concentrate on what the audience seems to respond to - and hopefully at this time, the audience is still there.
You can dub a spaghetti Western and nobody cares, but mess with Chabrol and you're eliminating the very quality audiences respond to in his work.
The film doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's a sturdy, tonally assured piece of work with a winning specificity to its voice and setting, giving Murray a real gift of a part in one of his best performances, one that the audience have clearly responded to in a big way.
That's the best reward after years of work — feeling the audience respond in a way that the movie was designed to have them respond
Freed from restrictions imposed on him by the necessities of a mainstream audience, creator Dan Milano is finally allowed to reveal how embittered he was by his network experiences — the latest (read: second) volume of the new show presents the IFC pilot, «Fur on the Asphalt,» which hilariously recasts the Fox sitcom as a hopelessly compromised, formulaic piece of crap co-starring Clint Howard — and responds by lowering the budget drastically and throwing his felt creations into a new line of work parodying movies.
Overall, teachers responded that they felt more comfortable allowing students to direct the course of PBL and involve a wide range of experts and have more opportunities to share their work with an authentic audience for feedback.
The work is then presented to an audience and the opportunity created for the audience to respond to the produced work and the students to reciprocate.
Using the protocol of keep, add, and take away, the audience responds critically to the play or work they've just seen.
Library Journal reports that a lawyer in the audience noted that «anti-trust concerns might hamper publishers in collaborating to develop a business model and suggested that these could come from the library side instead; Raphael responded that ALA already had a working group in place to develop such options.»
We've been bringing his work to fairs for a number of years and feel that at Frieze we've found an audience who is really responding to it.»
Audiences responded enthusiastically to the quality and depth of the curated presentations, as well as the revealing juxtapositions of work by both newly discovered artists and the most influential figures of the 20th century.
«From her sold - out exhibition in Palo Alto to the incredible engagement with her work at international art fairs, from Miami to London to Mexico City, collectors from all over the world have responded with great enthusiasm to her work and we are excited to introduce it to audiences in Hong Kong and visitors from across the region.»
Audience Member Are there any abstract painters who you respond to, or whose work has influenced you?
These artists work primarily for a domestic audience, and they respond directly to China's complex, rapidly changing culture.
Through a newly commissioned work, each artist responds to the work of a classical composer stripped of the usual operatic traditions and storytelling; open to audiences that may not have engaged with opera before.
Responding to the fact that Giacometti declined all requests to exhibit work at the Venice Biennale, the three artists provide audiences with a chance to learn about his oeuvre with fresh eyes.
In Pulse of Abstraction, a feeling of energy, movement and fulfilling life infuses the works, reaching out to touch the audience and encourage us to respond with courage and conviction.
She has a particular interest in collaborative — working methodologies when responding to projects and spaces, often facilitating participation from audiences, staff, volunteers and artists.
This seems to work too: when I explain this to public audiences, even at a hostile venue like Heartland or the staff of a coal - state Congressman, people seem to respond well to this approach.
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