Sentences with phrase «audit risk»

Check with a professional if your filing profile has higher audit risk.
Keep organized records and know how you are going to classify each business expense in advance to reduce your small business's audit risk exposure.
If you're concerned about small - business audit risk, you should be aware that the main thing that's likely to trigger an audit is claiming too many expenses.
Another area where you may be concerned about audit risk is payroll taxes.
If neither of you are cheating on your taxes, but you think your numbers might put you at a high audit risk and you want to protect your spouse.
Developed and implemented HANA Security Policy to mitigate audit risks and worked with stakeholders to implement SAP's bes...
Besides discussing large strategic issues, Gagliardi tries to talk about everything from audit risks to value - added taxes, cash - repatriation issues, and invoicing details.
You want to classify your business expenses correctly, so you can take advantage of any deductions for small - business owners and avoid basic accounting problems so audit risk is minimized.
In this class we'll review the laws and learn how to get around them, and when to proceed with caution to reduce audit risk
Claiming the Earned Income Credit can also heighten audit risk, said Tim Gagnon, assistant academic specialist of accounting at Northeastern University's D'Amore - McKim School of Business.
The issue has not been resolved across the board, but with a low audit risk due to limitations on IRS resources, some taxpayers are urging their tax preparers to claim the deduction without disclosing the write - off on the required IRS form (8275).
People who play fast and loose with deductions will appreciate the Audit Risk Meter, too.
Self - employed is by itself an audit risk (because so much more opportunity for misreporting) but I doubt exact pattern of estimated payments adds anything to it.
Our documentation helps multinational companies mitigate their audit risk and defend their transfer pricing policies when audits occur.
Specializes at minimizing or eliminating tax liabilities and audit risk.
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