Sentences with phrase «auditory perception»

Auditory perception is how we understand and interpret the sounds we hear. It refers to how our brain processes and makes sense of the information delivered through our ears, allowing us to recognize and comprehend different sounds, such as speech, music, or environmental noises. Full definition
As with her performance works, sculptural and video installations, and drawings and notational scores on paper, Too Much Future offers a reminder that visual or auditory perception of language does not necessarily result in easy comprehension.
«We have come closer to understanding the reasons behind deficits in auditory perception.
«These findings that auditory perception also goes through peaks and troughs supports the theory that perception is not passive but in fact our understanding of the world goes through cycles,» said Professor Alais from the University of Sydney.
auditory perception oscillates over time and peak perception alternates between the ears — which is important for locating events in the environment; 2.
Everyone has an instinctive sense of the world around them — even if they can't always see it, says Santani Teng, a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge who studies auditory perception in both blind and sighted people.
New research suggests that the familiar voice of a spouse stands out against other voices, helping to sharpen auditory perception and making it easier to focus on one voice at a time.
Understanding these underlying phenomena means that it could be possible to find medicines to improve auditory perception, specifically in noisy backgrounds.»
The structure and function of the auditory system is very similar in modern humans and the first primates, suggesting high evolutionary conservation of auditory perception among species,» says Docent Irma Järvelä, the principal investigator of the study.
There may evolve a «niche market» but books that you can hold, feel and smell won't ever go away - much like vinyl records are making a come back so that the scratch of the needle and the turning disc remain as much of the experience of music as auditory perception.
Golding's audiovisual performance work focuses on the experience of the audience, pushing the boundaries of visual and auditory perception through the breakdown of the cinematic system into flicker, waveforms and colour fields; while her installations have harnessed the presence of the audience themselves by incorporating their reflected image into projections within immersive spaces.
In this talk, Professor Sørensen will give insights into these new technologies and what they mean for human auditory perception.
Among the six recipients, four are interested in visual perception, with the remaining two examining auditory perception and speech.
Jonathan Westphal, with his view of the importance of contrasts and changing contexts in the visual perception of colour, and Margaret Masterman with her view of a reiterative flow in the auditory perception of spoken speech, were the two who were able to connect most closely with Whitehead's conception of sense - awareness of the patterned flow in the passage of nature.
Perceptual Abilities The child should show that she able to understand the information sent to the brain by the senses: Auditory Perception - translates what is heard by the ear and is understood by the brain Visual Perception - the information transmitted to the brain by the eyes.
«To determine if neural entrainment to language is specialized for speech or if it is a general - purpose tool that humans can use for anything that is temporally predictable, we had to go outside of speech and outside of auditory perception,» said Geoffrey Brookshire, the study's lead author and a PhD student in the Department of Psychology.
Simon J. Makin is an auditory perception researcher turned science writer and journalist.
In film criticism, auditory perception is rarely prioritized in the way that visual perception is, and yet when we attend a film screening, our attention is not necessarily dominated in a directional sense by the pull of the visuals.
This includes following directions, comprehending questions, and listening and comprehending in order to learn (auditory attention, auditory memory, and auditory perception).
Erin Robinson recently talked about the neuroscience of gaming at GDC China, summarizing findings that video games are increasingly being used in medical and rehabilitative therapy and playing First - Person Shooters improves visual and auditory perception.
Upon entering the terrace, one's auditory perception is immediately stimulated by the sound of clashing metal.
(Your auditory perception may vary depending on how many years you spent in front of a Marshall half - stack.)
Auditory perception and cognition; computational models of hearing; hearing impairment and cochlear implants
Participants in a sad mood paid more attention to social cues (e.g., the tone of a speaker's voice) in an auditory perception task.
It can involve impairments in visual or auditory perception, conceptualization, language, and memory, and difficulty controlling attention...
AST was based on the computerised program Skillies, which targets visual and auditory perception, vigilance, sustained attention and reactivity.
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