Sentences with phrase «authentic examples»

Second Life is the most authentic example yet of an Internet - based business.
A beautiful and authentic example of Spanish Colonial architecture!
Using a rich library of NSF - funded classroom videos, the platform includes authentic examples and learning activities that support teachers new to the math workshop model.
Gathering this type of student feedback would be a truly authentic example of how Seesaw engages students, amplifies student voice, and creates learning experiences that are personalized to accommodate a variety of learning styles.
Because they are such authentic examples, based on Carone's position among the Abstract Expressionists and the dates they were made, and because they are fresh to us, bereft of the hype heaped on some of his peers, we can just see the philosophy they espouse without the encumbering veils of monetary, i.e. «cultural», importance.
Throughout, Flanders notes how difficult it can be to research or understand what everyday houses and homes were like over the centuries; the versions of «home» we see depicted in classic works of art, for example, were often idealized, and there has been little impetus, historically, to preserve humble homes for posterity (she offers the particularly stark example of the incredible scarcity of authentic examples of slave quarters in the American South).
We planned to get married in 2011, and took this position extremely seriously — to be an authentic example of a Christian lesbian couple.
They are often hailed as being an authentic example of what the Second Vatican Council really wanted to achieve, in terms of an active and informed laity working to pass on the Faith and to bring it alive in the hearts of those to whom the Church had seemed remote and boring.
Maybe we could offer some compelling and authentic examples, including passive - aggressive bullying?
Authentic examples to give teachers a deep understanding of what proficient informative writing can look like
The best coach is someone who can motivate teachers and show them authentic examples of instructional practices, instilling confidence to embrace innovative pedagogy.
By using a wide variety of authentic examples, she carefully scaffolds steps to assist even research - intimidated individuals to become researchers.
As with any other behavioral interview question, the key to a good answer is to share an authentic example that demonstrates your experience and skills.
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