Sentences with phrase «authentic faith who»

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18th April The Corriere della Sera assistant editor Magdi Allam, whose controversial Easter Vigil baptism by the Pope we reported upon in the May edition of this column, has stated that «the person who influenced me more than any other in determining my conversion to Catholicism was certainly the Pope, Benedict XVI, in indicating that the indissoluble union of faith and reason is fundamental to authentic religion.»
The problem under consideration has been clarified considerably by Hendrikus Boers, who identifies several points in the New Testament at which christological exclusivism is clearly transcended: (1) the authentic teachings of Jesus, which «did not bring the love and forgiveness of God, but affirmed its presence... by articulating it» (6:23); (2) Paul's treatment of the «faith of Abraham» in Rom.
Dr Ashenden told the Telegraph: «We are saying if you don't draw a halt at this point the same thing will happen here and there will be a significant number who will secede and reconstitute an Anglican church to keep faith with authentic Anglican Christianity.»
In holy writ, the conjunctions between authentic faith and the worlds of commerce are strangely varied: the Hebrew Scriptures contain much in the Pentateuch on the protection and use of property, but a different realm of existence is central to the prophets: «Ho, every one who thirsts, come....
If Evangelicals are looking for more authentic personal testimonies regarding the faith of political candidates, what part of Romney's stated belief in Joseph Smith's revelation in the forests of Pennsylvania would sway the vote of an Evangelical who adheres to a uniquely inspired Bible?
There is an ocean of people out there who have been cast aside by churches and holier - than - thou church - goers such as yourself that need to know that they are not alone and need a place to connect with other people who are on an authentic journey of faith.
As such, however, faith is the only self - understanding that is both explicitly authorized by Jesus who is said to be Christ and — as Christians claim in saying this is who Jesus is — implicitly authorized by the whole of ultimate reality itself as our authentic self - understanding.
He rejects Barth who is described as forfeiting the world as we live in it today (precisely the reason for Altizer's rejection of the theologies of the word), and he rejects also the left - wing Bultmannians who have, he justly remarks, given up the his - torical basis of faith for an idea of authentic existence.
That minority treasured the writings in which were recorded the teachings of the law - givers, the visions of the prophets, regarded as the authentic spokesmen of God (and again, a minority of those who claimed the role of prophet), and the poetry and hymns that had arisen from their faith.
All through the Christianist period there were those who protested against Christianism in the name of authentic Christian faith.
There's a sense of elitism that can creep iin, like we're the real, hardcore Christians who don't need lightshows or multimillion - dollar buildings to worship Jesus, so go take your pleasure - seeking self down the road and away from our «authentic» community, O ye of little faith.
It quickly developed a reputation as an authentic site where Christians could meet other singles who shared their faith. is an authentic Christian dating site, and owned and operated by Christians, who share your Christian faith. is an authentic Christian site that is owned and operated by Christians, who understand how important your Christian faith is to you and the importance of a clean site that's safe for the Christian believer.
Love isn't always easy to find, but you've come to an authentic site for Christian Europeans who know their faith is important when looking for a relationship.
«Who knew a competition could create this kind of authentic renewal of faith and hope that we are witnessing?»
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