Sentences with phrase «authentic forms of»

Dubuffet (1901 — 1985) eschewed traditional notions of beauty in art in favor of what he perceived as more authentic forms of expression, inspired by graffiti, children's drawings, and the creations of psychiatric patients.
A view teachers as ongoing learners who support inclusive and collaborative teaching practices, use differentiated instruction; multiple, authentic forms of assessment, and participatory / cooperative learning
Finally, the newest of the perspectives, organizational learning, argues that teachers» involvement in authentic forms of decision making is a central mechanism for making better use of the intellectual capacities distributed throughout the organization.
That is why the sixth and final section of Pencils Down, «Beyond High - Stakes, Standardized Testing,» focuses on authentic forms of assessment, including portfolios and ongoing teacher and student self - reflection based on classroom evidence.
No longer are we required to give one extensive summative test each year, when the requirement can be met by using interim assessments that are already given in schools and combining those with more authentic forms of assessment that are far more meaningful to students.
As OTM leaders worked with their partner schools, they realized that there was a big need for better, more job - embedded, and more authentic forms of new teacher and leader development.
In addition, they gain experience working with nonlinear environments and engaging in authentic forms of human interaction and technology enabled social networks (Lee, 2008).
A huge body of evidence contradicts this statement, and points to the power of an inquiry based pedagogy, coupled with authentic forms of assessment.
What kind of metric for teacher value will be attached to our authentic forms of assessment?
Welcome to FairTest's Assessment Reform Network — a national project created to support parents, teachers, students and others who are working to end the overuse and misuse of standardized testing in public education and to promote authentic forms of assessment.
FairTest's Assessment Reform Network — a national project created to support parents, teachers, students and others who are working to end the overuse and misuse of standardized testing in public education and to promote authentic forms of assessment.
They are now starting a third phase, which they're calling EcoXPT, where they are working with ecosystem scientists, teachers, and students to find age - appropriate ways to add authentic forms of experimentation into the mix.
When the history of Jesus is set free from the traditional kind of metaphysics, theology can recognize man's life with God and his neighbour in the authentic forms of freedom.
One of the authentic forms of humanitarian love appears in the response to this common plight.
Paul makes some qualifications concerning the adequacy of human judgment, even his own, in specific cases; but we see that commitment to the spirit of love as an alternative to legal obedience requires responsible living and the honouring of authentic forms of behaviour appropriate to the new life.
However, I do not believe that theistic, agnostic and atheistic spirituality are identical even though all may be authentic forms of human spirituality.
He stands for an authentic form of American conservatism, one I'd argue is its best and truest form, even if it....
At times an even masochistic exaltation of suffering has been espoused as the most authentic form of spirituality.
Yes, when done with mutual respect, we do get used to this honest and authentic form of dialog and learning.
Research shows the efficacy of an authentic form of education that expects students to immerse themselves in a topic and meaningfully demonstrate acquisition of skills and knowledge.
The «main course» approach is lauded by many researchers, professional developers, and teachers as the most authentic form of PBL, as it provides students with the challenge upfront and gives students the experience many experts face.
A portfolio assessment is often deemed an authentic form of assessment because it includes authentic samples of a student's work.
The most authentic form of commodity investing is through futures, but that's not for everyone.
[the Yorta Yorta] approach to the recognition of native title was dependent upon the existence of an authentic form of aboriginal culture — an argument which can be seen to flow from the original Mabo ruling which argued that «native title has its origins in and is given its content by the traditional laws acknowledged by and the traditional customs observed by the indigenous inhabitants of a territory».

Not exact matches

Evangelical Catholicism is a liturgically centered form of Catholic life that embraces both the ancient traditions of Catholic worship and the authentic renewal of the liturgy according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
Psyche is both the introspectively available life - form of the human individual and the disclosure space of the total natural cosmos (the notion of the «world - soul»); the former could be called «inauthentic» or «fallen» psyche, the latter authentic» or «true» psyche.
Many of us, myself included, are finding ourselves increasingly drawn to high church traditions - Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Episcopal Church, etc. - precisely because the ancient forms of liturgy seem so unpretentious, so unconcerned with being «cool,» and we find that refreshingly authentic.
Like its New Testament original, the profane form of the Incarnation isolates authentic existence from the presence of «being» and «history,» and it does so dialectically.
This is, in effect, a commentary on the material generally ascribed to Q. By today's standards the author accepts material as authentic far too readily, and he conspicuously fails to take notice of form criticism, but this is nonetheless a great book.
Cross and resurrection form a single, indivisible cosmic event which brings judgment to the world and opens up for men the possibility of authentic life.
It is by no means clear that only that form of the Mass is most marvellous and personally most authentic which disregards all the precepts of the Church including those of the Second Vatican Council.
My contention is that this places Ivan's sensibility much nearer to the authentic vision of the New Testament than are many of the more pious and conventional forms of Christian conviction today The gospel of the ancient church was always one of rebellion against those principalities and powers — death chief among them — that enslave and torment creation; nowhere does the New Testament rationalize evil or accord it necessity or treat it as part of the necessary fabric of God's world.
Only by radically surrendering every form of self - contrived security and trusting solely in the grace of God, which transcends the world as its final ground and end, can men achieve an authentic human existence.
Could then one say that the images of Christ that the readers perceive form the authentic meanings for them?
One type of such criticism has been called textual, because it aims to get back to the most authentic original form of the text, digging through the accretions and changes that came with copying and recopying.
For Heidegger, this resolve takes the form of an authentic commitment — a commitment that occurs without assurances.
The Quest for Meaningful Community: The quest for meaningful community, like the quest for authentic morality with which it is closely related, is also conspicuous today because of a double failure: the failure of individualism, and the failure of most forms of community.
«Poly folks are strong believers that each of us should choose our own path in forming our families, forming relationships, and being authentic in our sexuality.»
«A consciousness formed by the authentic hermeneutical attitude will be receptive to the origins and entirely foreign features of that which comes to it from outside its own horizons.»
And I have learned that you don't need a church to form a network of authentic people.
The acceptance of boundaries that limit debate has become a form of self - censorship that distorts the information flow that is necessary for a well - informed citizenry, on which authentic democracy depends.
The unity between them is of a different order: they «form a single, indivisible «cosmic» event which brings judgment to the world and opens up for men the possibility of authentic life.»
So far as our criterion of dissimilarity is concerned, Conzelmann formulates this as follows: «What can, therefore, be accepted as authentic [on the basis of the radical form - critical view of the sources]?
If we are to establish any sayings attributed to Jesus in the tradition as authentic, then the first thing we must be able to do is to write a history of the tradition of which a given saying is a part, establishing so far as we are able to do so the earliest form of the saying known in the tradition.
The sacramental principle, in which created matter and form can be apprehended in some authentic way as images of God, and as ways towards union with Him, is fundamental to the Catholic and Orthodox attitude to art, whereas the Protestant theological system relies on the priority of the word over the image as the medium through which God communicates Himself to us, and by means of which we apprehend Him.
But in several major works he gives a phenomenological description of the forms of man's fall away from the authentic selfhood with which God has endowed him.
Faith is the beginning of an authentic relationship with God; it is our criterion of judgement and the spiritual energy that gives form to our spiritual trajectory and orders our actions.
From this study in the New Testament, estimates are made as to what was probably the original form, and, therefore, how much in the Gospels can be taken as the authentic words and deeds of Jesus.
As we haveseen with the aid of Saint Augustine's pastoral theology itself refined in the crucible of an ancient ecclesial crisis, that prayer in its original form gave authentic voice to the lay faithful's indispensable role in ecclesial reconciliation.
Sallie McFague has written in her helpful book Speaking in Parables that the most significant parts of the New Testament consists of various parables:»... as New Testament scholars agree, the parables not only are Jesus» most characteristic form of teaching but are among the most authentic strata in the New Testament.»
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