Sentences with phrase «authentic questions»

In contrast to short answers, authentic questions encourage more elaborate and richer conversations.
Students need to have experiences respectfully discussing authentic questions about public problems and the kinds of policies that can address those problems.
The eBook includes authentic questions asked by employed administrative professionals and my responses.
Perhaps most importantly, the model calls on constituents to collaborate around authentic questions that foster robust consideration and contextualized problem solving.
Influencing peers and educational policy through authentic questioning may remain... more»
Three primers for project based learning: Crafting Questions That Drive Projects, Investigating Authentic Questions, and Creating Products to Show & Share Leanring.
After we piloted our first PBL units, we built in a day for a debrief discussion explicitly linking the challenge cycle with the authentic questions that historians address.
Rosario Jaramillo, an advisor to the Civic Education Program in the Ministry of Education in Colombia, agreed with Ives, and said the process begins with «authentic questions
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