Sentences with phrase «authentic understanding of»

And thank you for reinforcing my point: Sokal and Bricmont's targets would similarly claim that authentic understanding of their disciplines exists exclusively within their peer - reviewed community.
It is real conversations based on helping students and families make good decisions with an authentic understanding of what is expected of them if they enroll.
But only the transdisciplinary approach could achieve the authentic understanding of all astronomical information and discoveries concerning the Universe; only through a TD methodology the role of the Subject is recuperated and the Subject and the Object of knowledge could be unified in order to understand the deep meaning of existence.
«A shift in how we ask questions about chicken psychology and behavior will, undoubtedly, lead to even more accurate and richer data and a more authentic understanding of who they really are,» says Marino.
Instead, Pixar's Inside Out is an exciting and compelling tour of inner life that's grounded in science plus an authentic understanding of how kids feel.
What Jesus is teaching and what I think is the authentic understanding of the priesthood in the Catholic Church is that the priest - your teacher, your leader - is first and foremost a servant,» she said.
But I immediately went on to add that it is the only self - understanding explicitly authorized by Jesus whom Christians assert to be the Christ, the point of their assertion being that it is also the very self - understanding implicitly authorized as the authentic understanding of our existence by the mysterious whole of ultimate reality that they call by the name «God.»
He has absorbed an authentic understanding of the Church's social teachings, and of the true meaning and value of human work.
Mgr Burke continues his series of reflections on the cardinal virtues and their place in recovering an authentic understanding of womanhood.
If your goal is to become a thought leader or actually teach the audience something, only a truly authentic understanding of the material will get you there.

Not exact matches

His intensity, his desire, his understanding, his level of focus and his willingness to reciprocate were all very authentic.
They've understood time as an agent in brand building: how you start fresh, pass through the fire of irrelevance, then become authentic, and then become sacred.
Our ability, however, to stay open to possibilities, to lead with a vision that those possibilities can exist in everyone and our understanding that our ability as true leaders must come from our own authentic passion for what we do in the world, are key components of being a Quantum Leader.
«We understand that increasing numbers of consumers are seeking authentic, genuine food experiences,» said Campbell Soup Co. (CPB) CEO Denise Morrison, «and we know that they are skeptical of the ability of large, long - established food companies to deliver them.»
The process of meaningful change then, begins by establishing authentic, mutual understanding of others, through collaborative communication.
When you consider that only 1 % of those under 35 can have their trust swayed by a compelling ad and an authentic word - of - mouth impression can be worth up to 200x a paid one, it's easy to understand why it's time to build social word - of - mouth and brand advocacy.
One of our News Feed values is authentic communication, so we've been working to understand what people find authentic and what people do not.
We recognize there are entrepreneurs of all levels, and it's important that they feel they can be their authentic self and be surrounded by folks who understand their journey.
How can Islam be true, full and authentic when it lacks one element that historically has been understood as a sine qua non of the faith?
Bergson's great merit, still not sufficiently appreciated and understood, was to show how seriously «the fallacy of spatialization» prevents us from grasping the authentic nature of time.
To understand the black preachers» lofty status among their own people and how they nurtured authentic participation with the majority on matters of public interest, one must understand how the black preacher has played the role of double agent or dual interpreter.
Authentic Christian spirituality is understood and lived where there is real sharing in the pain and agony of Christ for the world.
Hence authentic human existence could be understood as culminating in faith, the movement of faith could be limited to the negation of «objectivity,» and no occasion need arise for the necessity of a dialectical coincidence of the opposites.
For although it can not lead to a suspension of that method, it does draw our attention to the basic problem which it presents: «According to our historical method employed thus far, we have before us apparently authentic material about Jesus in the tradition of the sayings of the Lord, only when the material can be understood neither [as derived] from primitive Christian preaching nor from Judaism.
Recommendations There exists a profound bond between the lived faith and its contents... the following recommendations for the Year of Faith desire to aid both the encounter with Christ through authentic witnesses to faith, and the ever - greater understanding of its contents.
If the radical self - assertion which makes it impossible for man to achieve the authentic life of self - commitment is identical with sin, it must obviously be possible for man to understand his existence altogether as a gift of God.
Many within the homosexual movement are individuals who have been alienated or hurt; they typically have little chance of hearing an authentic version of the Christian view on sexual relationships or to understand all the temptations and confusion that can arise in this area.
Such an understanding is essential in giving policy makers, Bishops, governors, teachers and parents the confidence to promote an authentic and positive view of Church teaching on human sexuality and the inherent dignity of human life in schools, parishes and the home.
In view of the central importance of this doctrine it matters less whether it is readily accepted by our contemporaries, provided that its message is not interpreted in a narrow, selfishly individualistic sense, but that the gracious divine act which opens man to God is from the beginning understood also as creating authentic community among men.
For evangelizing, in its essence, is taking the authentic Christian gospel (albeit with the limitations of human understanding) through word or deed to those who need it and are at least prepared enough to take a look at it.
«If you think that the context becomes the ground on which the seed of the gospel grows, and if you're willing to allow the gospel to fall onto rocky ground or fertile ground, then you will tend to cultivate the context on the understanding that whatever grows out of it is at least some kind of an authentic expression of Christianity.
Understanding Islam along with the authentic sources of the Quran and the accepted traditions of the Prophet Mohammed is the antidote to violent extremism.
Roman Catholicism tends to identify the marks of the spirit's presence with the marks of the authentic church as Catholicism understands the Church.
Our autonomous self - understanding leads us to the limits of our being, where we know ourselves called to authentic existence and guilty for our failure to respond to that call.
These consequences can be avoided if we revive the authentic Biblical understanding of the personal relationship between God and man.
This semi-autobiographical work, subti - tled «Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality,» is a collection of essays and personal reflections chronicling the author's growing understanding of the nature of God and Jesus, and the need and responsibility for an authentic personal response to that understanding.
Unfortunately, in the Western Church, after the substitution of «right beliefs» for «works» or «fruits of the Spirit» as the sign of authentic faith by in classical Protestantism and the Enlightenment's emphasis on a reductionistic understanding of reason based solely on empirical logic, faith became confused with orthodox theological beliefs.
In the absence of any authentic revelation, all human understanding becomes riddled with ambiguity.
In Cobb's version, there is an understanding that despite an indication that presentational immediacy may be equivalent only to one type of perceptive propositional feeling (the direct authentic perceptive feeling), other material suggests that «delusive» perceptions (a variation of direct authentic) are involved as well (PR 122/186).
I am of the opinion that, as the understanding of historicity itself implies, he is wrong in identifying his authentic ego with his subjectivity.
Rather, authentic doctrinal development leads to a deeper understanding of the unchanging deposit of Christian faith.
However, it we use Albert Schweitzer and his understanding of the Jewish apocalyptic vision of that era, we end up finding that the «rapture» is both authentic and traceable to Jesus» followers.
If I understand what is going on in the culture today, it is an active and experimental search for authentic ways to confront and be confronted by the enormous complexity and beauty and terror of life and the world.
The demands of «the human spirit for the time include authentic understandings, many of them rooted in the Gospels and in the deepest Christian intellectual traditions, about the nature of human existents.
The answer is that we have not done so if we understand Christology in the authentic sense of the theological tradition.
Humanists should acknowledge their membership in the contemporary world, seek to understand it in its own terms (which means making a serious effort to gain authentic scientific insight), assimilate its ideas into their world of composing, building, and analyzing, and assume responsibility for guiding the course of its further development.
But if the meaning of God for us is the gift and demand of unbounded love that authorizes trust in this love and loyalty to its cause as our authentic self - understanding, the ultimate whole of reality that we call by the name «God» has to have a unique structure in itself.
Rightly understood, faith and justice are in principle different because, while faith is a matter of human existence, of authentic self - understanding in trust and loyalty in response to God's love, justice is a matter of human action, whether right action toward all others (its generally moral sense), or right structures of social and cultural order (its specifically political sense).
If we already presuppose, then, that the theistic religious language employed by the Christian witness in authorizing faith in God's love as our authentic self - understanding can be metaphysically justified, we can say — as I, in fact, have already been saying — that ultimate reality includes not only the self and others but also the encompassing whole of reality that theists refer to when they use the name «God.»
As such, however, faith is the only self - understanding that is both explicitly authorized by Jesus who is said to be Christ and — as Christians claim in saying this is who Jesus is — implicitly authorized by the whole of ultimate reality itself as our authentic self - understanding.
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