Sentences with phrase «author email»

You've heard over and over that selling books requires a robust author email list.
Author email newsletters are a great tool for building connections; why not start yours today?
Include a dedicated author email, you never know who might be trying to contact you!
Author email newsletters are one of the most effective methods of ensuring sales of indie - author books.
* We would like to thank Luke P. Ihnen (London & Amburn PC, Knoxville, TN) for authoring this email alert.
I also find some books through other sources, such as Amazon, BookBub (and other mailing lists), Facebook (e.g. the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction group), Goodreads (what my friends are reading and reviewing), and through author email lists (perhaps that's a topic for another week).
Several months ago, an aspiring author emailed to tell me that he'd sent out 200 query letters and gotten 199 rejections.
In response to what I was reading on everything from traditionally - published author email loops and boards to Yahoo Groups to blogs, I did market the new release in 2010.
In most cases, they have been quick to match pricing when authors email them, and perhaps they consider this notification fulfillment of the agreement.
My experience with authors emailing to hire illustrators has only been because either they are self publishing or they are dealing with a publisher who is not willing to financially back the book to any great degree.
When Nina isn't in staff meetings or answering author emails, she has her eye on the ePublishing horizon, studying the trends and helping authors prepare for what's coming next.
Author: Walter Tarello, veterinary surgeon, C.P. 42, 06061 Castiglione del Lago PERUGIA (Italy) Email the author
There must be some «confirming circumstances» sufficient for a reasonable jury to find by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant authored the emails.
«There's nothing ever that I was even remotely part of that saw this as a windfall,» said former Obama White House and Treasury housing adviser Michael Stegman, who authored the email summarizing the discussion between Geithner and former FHFA Director Edward DeMarco.
For more on this subject, read «Author email list lessons» and «What should I send to my author e-mail list?»
We have had many authors email us to say this is working for them after a 99 - cent promotion.
Aspiring authors email me all the time asking for advice, and I tell them the same thing: I found success because I wrote for the love of writing.
As with my 27 Author Email Newsletter Resources post, the resources are actually blog articles.
I bought your author emails a couple of weeks ago.
Rather than take on a client who would surely be disappointed in the results of a book promotion campaign that focused on garnering book reviews, I sent the author an email that said:
An author emailed me yesterday to complain that his self - published book has been discriminated against by reviewers.
We recommend Gmail For your Author Email Account.
Recruit people from your author email list and social media pages.
if it is the same as your author email, please enter it again.
In addition, you can use self - published books on Amazon as tools to build your author email list and cross-promote your traditionally - published books... pretty sneaky, right?
Plus, there's even a bonus session that explains how to build your author email list using Amazon's huge audience for FREE.
Includes tools and templates to help you build your author email list at events, ignite online sales with the power of promos sites and get book reviews.
Be sure to fill out the author survey and join our author email list (form is below the giveaway).
Tools and templates to help you build your author email list, help you blog, ignite online sales and make the business of selling books direct to retailers, organisations and at expos easier.
[If you want to grow your author email list, check out this case study of how I grew mine.]
Make sure readers know what they're getting when they sign up for your author email updates, and don't share information about your readers unless they've authorized you to do so.
Nobody likes me, apparently, because I've received none of these author emails.
If this is the same as the author email, please repeat it here.
An author emailed me yesterday with an unconventional book promotion idea that he wanted to run by me.
Your 3D book cover then can be used in your author email signature, share it on social media platforms and websites, and create amazing looking banners.
If you want to hear updates about our author news regarding promotions and other important information, please leave the Author email updates clicked.
This email should not be your personal email, but an email you have created specifically as an author email.
This can be accomplished with a Contact page that shows up in the navigation bar, or by including your author email in the About Me section.
You author email list is your number one marketing tool.
You build an author email list for marketing reasons.
It includes a unit on how to build your author email list and use it effectively to communicate and engage with readers and fans.
One author emailed me on LinkedIn last week with a question we get all the time, so I took some time to analyze her network to illustrate the answer, which (in my experience) is almost always «Your network is not ready for a publicist.»

Phrases with «author email»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z