Sentences with phrase «author even gathered»

One author even gathered together the lunch menus from various schools around France.

Not exact matches

I think all the author was saying was that it isn't «the great apostasy» or even mere self - indulgence (we want an in - church barista type thing) that is turning some people of faith — both young and old — away from corporate «traditional» gathering.
In the following 2011 TED talk, science reporter, author, and mother Annie Murphy Paul discusses the latest scientific evidence gathered from the fields of biology and psychology suggesting that some of our most important learning about the world happens before we are even born.
Author Gemma Elwin Harris has lovingly compiled weighty questions from precocious grade school children — queries that have long dumbfounded even intelligent adults — and she's gathered together a notable team of scientists, specialists, philosophers, and writers to find enlightening answers.
Lee Rozema, another author of the paper, says «we still are very interested in performing experiments under different conditions and with even higher precision, to gather more evidence supporting standard quantum mechanics.»
Just as the popular Humble Bundle has done for indie developers, indie musicians, and yes, even indie authors, StoryBundle gathers up the best of the best from indie authors of all kinds and assembles them into limited time bundles.
I've even contacted some authors about making changes, but I've learned that most authors don't like being told they need to fix their blurbs, so I gather they aren't taking into account the potential readers they're losing.
In this fast pace, yet very hands on session, you will come away with a simple tool that gathers up your various social media streams; learn how to create a variety of variations on one idea — even one sentence that will keep your Fans, your Followers, Communities and Groups wanting more and a variety of gizmos and gadgets that you wish you had from the beginning of your authoring and marketing journey.
Thank you so much for gathering all these figures and putting it into a format that even maths - challenged authors like myself can understand.
Unfortunately, none of them remember the author's name, not even manqué RA, even though both L & K have signed copies gathering dust on their office shelves.
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