Sentences with phrase «author note»

But, until now, there hasn't been much research on microbes in these products, the study authors noted in a journal news release.
Edit: As many authors noted in the comments, beta readers can provide content editing (for free).
The report authors noted large uncertainties in the data persist and the true growth figure may be anywhere between 1 and 3 %.
Authors note there are many health benefits to maintaining a normal weight, but the findings suggest that excess weight may cause the body to respond differently to critical illness.
The most notable perk that our hybrid authors noted was the credentials that they were able to acquire with the help of a publishing house.
The study authors noted, however, that these numbers don't reflect the effectiveness of one method over another, but rather how widespread their use was.
The report authors noted that, as the last tests were conducted in 2017, salt levels in some products may have changed since then.
A female author notes how schools keep deciding that boys won't want to hear her speak about writing, while also deciding that whenever a male author visits the same school that girls will be just as interested in that author as the boys.
While determining the genetic makeup of a patient's tumor is a critical tool for precision cancer medicine, the report's authors noted several challenges and unanswered questions about large - scale clinical application of the methods.
In addition to increases in the volume of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that can shrink in Alzheimer's patients, the study authors noted other biological changes, including improvements in CRP, a marker of inflammation, as well as glucose metabolism and insulin levels.
Whipped Chocolate Caramel Ganache recipe on Food52 Author Notes: I actually discovered that if you whisk or whip ganache it turns into a fluffy spreadable concoction.
Please ensure that the final version for production includes a byline and full author note for typesetting.
[Authors Note: a scaled - down version of the full Metabolic Surge program has been added since the review.
Also, the same author noted that the «cancer cluster» study we linked to from Wired's post didn't show a direct correlation between the use of chlorpyrifos and cancer so we removed the reference.
The Outliers author noted the seat belt as an example of a successful reframing of a problem.
The Medium author noted that «batchOverflow is essentially a classic integer overflow issue,» and the same can said for proxyOverflow.
*** Authors Note: If any of my statements cross the line into opinion, they are my opinions, and not necessarily those of Cambridge House International.
The indignant author notes, surely correctly, that the last....
But, as the original author notes, this is controlling for the pathways, striving to depict as normal something that is almost nonexistent in any meaningful statistical sense: stable, faithful, long - term same - sex couples heading households with children in them and rearing them from early childhood to adulthood.
by Kraig Kraft High Altitude Sightings and Punchless Peppers Authors note: In part one of this two - part story, here, I explain the rationale behind the trip and introduce my Ph.D. research.
Guideline authors noted, however, that the evidence for the recommendations is weak, since many of the studies had relatively small numbers of patients with similar types of epilepsy and were conducted at only one institution, so the results may not be generalizable to everyone with epilepsy.
The VA authors note other limitations to their study — for example, they looked only at VA hospitalizations.
In their Nature Photonics paper, the Stanford authors note that the automation of large - scale circuit design enabled engineers to create today's sophisticated electronics.
The study's authors noted fears that the extra income could be undone by family members reducing transfers to their elderly relatives appeared to be unfounded.
But evidence to support the scientists» concerns about Earth's climate is growing — and getting stronger — every year, the IPCC authors note.
This is of special concern because incidence of childhood high blood pressure has risen in the United States since 1988, although recently it has plateaued, the guideline authors noted.
E: Suggested Reading and Resources F: 3 Minute Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Test G: Nutritional Supplement Blends for AFS Notes Index About the Authors
GENRE: Children's Adventure Author Note: This short story is for your reading pleasure.
I took using the name «Mark Leslie» from something I'd learned from Anthony's own author notes at the end of each of his novels and, in the same manner, he dropped the last two names from Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob to come up with his writing name, I did the same, dropping my difficult - to - spell and pronounce last name from Mark Leslie Lefebvre.
Paper authors noted in their discussion that there were limitations to interpretations of the study, particularly given the potential for anthropomorphism (projecting human traits onto animals) and owner bias, and that further investigations independent of owner interpretation are required.
Or actually, maybe not, as the HG101 author notes: «Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is often classified as a «lawyer sim», but that's not entirely true.
Via: Ecorazzi author note: Mamet's quote was corrected above and linked to NYT source.
The 2011 Macleans authors noted with some satisfaction that nobody would nowadays express the indignation that greeted similar reductive accounts of education a decade ago, not apparently aware of the role Macleans and its consumer - style surveys have played in that reduction.
Heart disease causes one - third of deaths in the United States, the study authors noted in the news release.
People with the condition were significantly older than those without it (62 years versus 52 years, on average), the study authors noted in a Montefiore news release.
He and other report authors noted that scientists trying to face threats such as global climate change and the preservation of biodiversity face unwanted input from special interest groups and political impedance, and countries that might be unequally affected by these threats have vastly different ideas of how to handle them.
Dear Author noted on this post at The Digital Reader with reports to that effect, and links to further reading on the matter.
All - Butter Crust recipe recipe on Food52 Author Notes: This is one of our staple crusts used at the shop.
The authors note also that the decline in arrests coincides with a «remarkable increase» in the intensity of Border Patrol activity, measured by the number of personnel assigned to the U.S. - Mexico border region.
However, the marriage market is not mediated by money, but by status, and that's what this research is really about, the authors note.
«If these estimates of threatened jobs translate into job displacement, millions of Americans will have their livelihoods significantly altered and potentially face considerable economic challenges in the short - and medium - term,» the report's authors noted.
Those jobs «may evolve to focus heavily on the task of attending to children,» the authors noted.
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