Sentences with phrase «author website bio»

But your author website bio can be more informal: You can include some of your own personal narrative along with your standard biographical information.

Not exact matches

Only one link to your blog or website within your author bio.
On the 19th, I published the post, but only to realize that she linked out to some agencies, and in the author bio, she also linked out to another website (that deals with link building).
Author Bio: Brian Ward is the content editor at Kick - Ass Home Gym, a website providing helpful articles that inspire you to stay fit and healthy at home — on your own time, in your own space.
You will probably enjoy selecting the best excerpt, writing discussion questions, and pulling elements that include your author bio, your book description, and your book announcement press release from your online press kit into a reading group section on your website.
Kimberly Grabas shows how to build your author brand from scratch, and Janet Reid tells writers how to do an author bio right and when we need a website, while Belle -LSB-...]
Backmatter consists of your author bio, information on your other books (if you have any), your products or services or company, or even a free offer that drives readers to your website to sign up for your mailing list.
Use your book's cover as your avatar and create a witty and informative bio, complete with a link to the most engaging and user - friendly part of your author website.
On your author website you can put your author bio, photos, audio and video, book information, excerpts, reading guides, your blog, media coverage, contact information, event schedule, and more — even your cat photos.
Readers love to see what you look like, so put in your very best author photo, and a short bio, complete with all your social media links, your website address, and a direct link to your email list in case they loved your book so much they want to be kept updated on further releases.
This is where you tell your potential readers about yourself, including your author website URL and bio.
I visit an author's website to find out more about them, so your bio should be engaging and informative.
Setup an Amazon author page and keep the information current, including bio, photo, author website URL, book library, promo videos, and social media feeds.
Using these keywords is important because it increases the chance that someone's random Google search for information about a topic related to you and your book might pull in your bio from your author website, Amazon etc. and lead this searcher to you.
And don't forget an About the Author page where you say a little something about yourself (short bio) and point to your website and / or social media.
A good author bio introduces your potential reader to you and also helps search engines pull your author website more easily by using keyword - rich descriptions when you enter your book metadata.
(this could be more, but we guarantee at least two) Posting of your book on our website with book cover, blurb, author photo, author bio, links to website and / or social media.
Below are the eight things you should have on your website: An author bio You need to have information about you, the author.
The inside author bio may be a couple pages long, it will talk in more detail about all my websites, my books, where to find me online, my plans and goals.
In my Scene, I added my «About the Author» material including Bio, links to website and Social Media, etc. (Fig 3):
Most writers simply include links to their social media accounts on their author websites, then link to their websites from the bio section of their social media profiles.
Most websites of traditionally published authors do carry longer bio material on their «about the author» page - more at least than usually appears in a print book.
While you definitely want to promote your writing on your author website, you can also give visitors a glimpse into your personality through a short bio, personal photos, or blog posts!
Personalized tour page that will include the book cover, book summary, buying information, author photo, and author bio, including website and blog links.
Check out the author bio and websites.
Posting of your book on our website with book cover, blurb, author photo, author bio, links to website and / or social media.
Turn around time is 4 - 6 weeks Posting of your book on our website with book cover, blurb, author photo, author bio, links to website and / or social media.
However, include the book, author website, etc. should be part of the author bio.
There is also a new author profile enhancement that will empower writers to make a bio, add a website and their own blog.
create an in - depth book description and author bio for Amazon's main book page, plus a separate author page augmented with links to your «assets» such as your book trailer, website, social media, and update ongoing press clippings, and
Reach out to websites, magazines, and specialty news sites that cover your topic, and offer them a polished piece with your author bio and link to your author website and books.
In a best - case scenario, your author bio will give readers a reason to visit your website (like one of these effective digital freebies), and to follow you on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc..
It can be just a simple blog or website with a book blurb, brief author bio, and contact details for you and / or your agent.
No social media accounts, no author website, no author bio on the publisher's website or on other websites (Goodreads, Amazon, etc.).
Listing in Member Directory: Your listing includes your name, author photo, book details, author bio, website links, social media links, and other details.
Tempt query letter readers to visit your website by promising more examples of reviews, more author bio information, or more information about your upcoming projects.
I've seen websites where the author's bio reads like a rambling CV and they've posted recipes, personal photos, links to their favorite charities, and shared details about their family.
If you're updating your website regularly, you'll get a ton of practice writing, whether it's responding to visitors, posting writing exercises, or learning how to write concisely with your author bio.
Easy to setup author marketing tool — image, bio and website URLs follow your every comment.
If you're an author and you would like to participate in this feature, please email me with an author bio, author picture, list of your books with book cover and synopsis and important links (website, twitter, facebook, amazon, etc.).
And who goes to a publisher's website to peruse books or to see an author bio?
Each guest blog has a bio and links to the authors website and social media, and we promote it through social media.
Barnes & Noble, Kindle and many other online stores offer authors an author page to list their books, a short bio and link to their blog or website — all for free.
At minimum, your finished ebook should present like a professionally printed book; open at the cover, flow into properly formatted front matter, feature dropped chapter headings with color flourish, each of which start on a new page, and end with your bio, picture and an invitation to your author website.
By Anne R. Allen The author bio on your social media, blog or website is one of the most important things you'll ever write, so you want to put some thought into it.
This designation can be added to your marketing materials, website, author bio, and the cover of the book.
That means not only writing, but editing, proofreading, cover design, jacket blurb, author bio, print formatting, e-book formatting, marketing, social media, maintaining a website and blog, sales tracking, income taxes and expenses, etc..
You'll also get some visitors looking for a good book to enjoy who will stop by your website and check out your author bio to determine if your writing is worth reading.
Sure, I have all the obvious tabs: Author bio, appearances, book news, links to blogs, excerpts / readings and «what's new», but what I really need is to focus on what additional elements that truly add value to my readers (and yes, I also know I need to update my news / appearances too...) As a reader I know I enjoy websites that are beautifully designed, visually appealing, easy to read (no weird fonts or jarring colors) and which offer lots of value added information that keep me coming back.
Agents check out the author bio part of a query letter to get a sense of a potential client's skill, experience, and dedication to craft — and they will do the same on your author website.
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