Sentences with phrase «authoritative word»

If you do not believe the Bible as the infallible and authoritative Word of God, why read Piper, as his whole belief system is based on it?
In the one understanding of contextualization, the revelatory trajectory moves only from authoritative Word into contemporary culture; in the other, the trajectory moves both from text to context and from context to text, and in the midst of this traffic the interpreter, rather like a police officer at a busy intersection, emerges as the sovereign arbiter as to what God's Word for our time actually is.
But, speaking on behalf of all of those who didn't get a ballot, I can say we're not jealous, but instead thrilled that the same critical profile that once placed Trash, Showgirls, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and The Lickerish Quartet alongside Jean Renoir, Orson Welles, John Ford, and Carl Theodor Dreyer will be making its mark in what nearly any card - carrying cinephile recognizes as the most authoritative word on the canon.
How to act as a Christian should within this tension is a matter on which directives are discernible in the gospel, yet no arbitrary authoritative word can be found.
How otherwise are we to understand the synoptic accounts of the majestic authoritative words of Jesus: «Why do you call me good?
Authoritative word did not reach Wriedt until 2.15 pm, by which time it was too late to withdraw the motion and instead obstruct his party's appropriation bill to hinder Fraser.
The giants of the industry at the time — Angus Reid's eponymous firm, American invader Gallup, Allan Gregg's Decima Research and Goldfarb Consultants — carved up the market between them, delivering the authoritative word on everything from elections to electronics brands.
The covenant was not simply a piece of paper affirming partnership no matter what, but instead a means to secure the «robust accountability» and «gracious restraint» that characterize deep relationships rooted in mutual recognition of catholic faith and order, grounded in creedal doctrine, and answerable to the authoritative word of Scripture.
From ceremonies employed upon the death of a pope, to a description of all those funny vestments, to the proper way to address a bishop or abbot, to questions that almost nobody ever thought to ask» on all these Mr. Noonan has an authoritative word.
Since I believe in the inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word of God, I must take these texts for what they say, and compare them with other texts which condemn murder and the slaughter of other people and say, along with the Jewish prisoners in the movie above, and along with atheists and agnostics of our day, that God is guilty.
The construction of doctrine, then, is a complex matter in which there must be a constant and intense interplay between the authoritative Word through which the interpreter is addressed and the interpreter who hears this Word.
The Reformers opposed God's authoritative Word to this church which, in their view, had arrogated to itself an authority which was entirely illicit.
What it revealed was their conviction that Christian theology in its form and substance as well as its function in the church must be determined by God's authoritative Word, the written Scriptures.
The pickle that we're in, Sir Steven, is that the authoritative word of the Bible effectively gives weight to both sides of a large theological conversation, that is, how God reveals Himself.
do nt you just love these people who lecture to others as if they have the authoritative word on such topics?
The Christian church accepts the Bible, where the dream is found, as the authoritative word of God.
The ideas are much the same; the authoritative word of God needs constant interpretation and application.
Christianity could not presume to speak an authoritative word to a broken and dismembered civilization if its own body was dismembered.
The author makes no claim to have said the authoritative word in any of these disputed, but vitally important, issues.
Like many black Christians, David grew up in a theologically conservative church culture that views the Bible as the authoritative word of God.
He was simply trying to justify his present understanding of God, involving as it did notions of election and predestination, and for this purpose the authoritative word of the tradition was sufficient.
And if it be objected that this understanding of preaching not only shifts to the listener a portion of responsibility for the effectiveness of preaching but robs it of its thunder and authority, then it should be asked again what constitutes an authoritative word.
He argues that God is the one who has the world - creating power of language completely; that language is that which makes one present; that Jesus» authentically liberating and authoritative word constitutes a fulfillment of human presence (in terms of decisive presence to self, world and God); that therefore Jesus is the Word of God.
It is probably not necessary to get into the whole debate about the Bible being the infallible, inspired, authoritative Word of God, but you may have to if the person challenges the Word of God as being inaccurate or on the same level as other writings and sayings.
The fact that I can affirm the Nicene and Apostle's creeds, that I am an imperfect but devoted follower of Jesus Christ, that I am passionate about spreading the gospel, and I believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, and still my evangelical credentials are constantly being questioned and debated reveals just how narrow evangelicalism has become.
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