Sentences with phrase «authorities share the cost»

A «fair access limit» of # 5,000 per child was introduced as well as a match - funding approach whereby local authorities share the cost of support over the fair access limit.

Not exact matches

Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities it is identical to bitcoin and shares many of the same traits like peer to peer payment facility that enables instant, near - zero cost payments to anyone in the world.
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During a news conference later Monday, Rosselló said mutual aid was not brought in earlier because the indebted power authority was given the option of going with the Army Corps with a 100 percent cost - sharing plan.
Under the plan Carlucci's proposing, the authorities would be required to explore ways of sharing and consolidating services in order to reduce costs with the main goal of eventually streamlining its functions.
The conditions, in a nutshell, are that the group and its purpose must be clearly defined; costs and benefits must be equally shared; decision - making must be by consensus; misconduct should be monitored; sanctions should start out mild and escalate only as needed; conflict resolution should be fast and fair; the group must have the authority to manage its affairs; and the relationship of the group with others must be appropriately structured.
A shared equity scheme is a way to share the cost of buying a home with an equity partner, such as a private investor, not - for profit organisation or government housing authority.
As part of her extensive multinational practice, Giovanna also handles transfer pricing matters for Fortune 50 companies and foreign - owned clients, working closely with economic experts in tax planning to establish cost sharing and related party licensing arrangements; assess multijurisdictional transfer pricing exposure; comply with FIN 48 and return documentation requirements; and develop audit, litigation, advance pricing agreement and authority strategies.
Parents lose authority when they share responsibility with their kids, which may work just fine with this responsible child, but will cost them in their relationship to any other children in the household who are likely to see this as weakness.
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