Sentences with phrase «authority in the church»

Accordingly, while the arguments that follow are directed most particularly to the question of authority in the churches, they....
I can't imagine that one member has so much authority in the church that he has all that much influence.
They had trouble knowing who to put into positions of authority in the church.
The Egyptian Bishop and secretary of the Coptic Church's Holy Synod — the second highest authority in the church was questioning last week whether some verses inferring that «Christians were infidels» were added to the Qur «an after the death of Prophet Muhammad by one of his successor Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (644 - 656), suggesting that they may have been inserted for religious / political purposes.
This comprehensive refutation of hierarchical authority in the church exposes authoritarian bias and presents a better way.
Two years ago the book The Fatherhood of God in an Age of Emancipation (Westminster, 1983); one year ago the forthcoming Inception and Formation of the World Council of Churches; and now this manuscript about the problem of teaching authority in the church.
Presbyterian general assemblies are not universal councils of the church, and setting agendas and shaping deliberations in concert with other churches and their councils would help to avoid the conceit that authority in the church belongs to a voting majority of seven hundred commissioners.
He added that if one of these three became too dominant, the right exercise of authority in the Church risked being compromised.
I do not expect that many who hold authority in the church or other dominant institutions of our lives will be converted, en masse or as individuals, to the serious work of justice - making with compassion and good humor as their top priority.
The thing that really stinks is after you go through it, after you have been manipulated and beaten and ripped to shreds in the name of spiritual authority in the church — God still requires purity and humility of heart and forgiveness for the offenders out of you (me).
He could find no clear authority in any church and no compelling reason for subscribing to any promulgated articles of Christian faith.
However, if anything here were ever to be judged unorthodox by the highest authority in the Church, then we would very happily withdraw it.
The second and closely connected problem has to do with hierarchical authority in the church's life.
I have kidded some of my colleagues in ecclesiology by saying that the real ecclesiological issues today, especially those involving the teaching authority in the church, are being faced by moral theologians, particularly those working in the area of sexual morality and sexual ethics.
Involuntary wince at «ordinary member»... but it's okay, I'd prefer not to be in authority in the church... sometimes it's hard just being the little guy.
Rt Rev James said: «The threefold sources of authority in the Church of England are scripture, tradition and reason, with scripture as the foundation.
The pastor is not the focal point of God's power and authority in the church.
To reject what the Church teaches would necessitate un-picking the weave of Scripture from Genesis to the end of the Apostolic Age; the rejection of its authenticity and the rejection of Christ's claim to teach with the authority of the Father and that he was vesting that authority in the Church headed by Peter, the Rock, Key - bearer, and Shepherd.
Cardinal Newman said there were three authorities in the Church: the authority of tradition, the authority of reason and the authority of experience, which he placed respectively in the hierarchy, the university and the body of the faithful.
The bottom line regarding power and authority is that the power and authority in the church is just that — IN the church.
Protestants and Catholics tend to look at authority from rather different perspectives, and on the whole I think it fair to say that the version of the common tradition to which Catholics are heir tends to give them a more positive attitude toward the function of authority in the church than that found among Protestants.
In the case of authority in the church, scripture, creeds, and confessions are, therefore, points to which reference is or ought to be made by those with authority in order to show that their determinations about common belief and life are indeed Christianly apt — are indeed in accord with what God approves, establishes, or commands.
As a generalization, I believe it can be said that Protestants have tended more to the Augustinian than to the Thomistic view and, for this reason, authority in the church has proved a particularly divisive issue between Roman Catholics and Protestants.
Accordingly, while the arguments that follow are directed most particularly to the question of authority in the churches, they have relevance as well, I hope, to analogous concerns in the larger society of which the churches are a part.
Furthermore, these Separatists contended that the Bible provided a blueprint for the form of Church government and for worship, which the Anglicans ignored by continuing to use Romish practices in worship and to uphold bishops as the highest authority in the Church.
In such case, Ecumenism, which has finally stalled upon that very point of Authority in the Church, means that God is trying to show us all - Catholics and non-Catholic Christians - that it is through this very concept of Magisterium that we will all come to see a new meaning in His work and role in creation and history as Lord of All Things, Lord of the Church, and Lord of all human history.
I figured out that since he was an authority in the church and at a respected university, but didn't follow the basic tenets of the church, why would I respect him or any other authority?
They state under the category of the Holy Scriptures that, «The books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of divine inspiration, are no part of the canon of the Scripture, and therefore are of no authority in the Church of God, nor to be any otherwise approved, or made use of, than other human writings.»
Political rebellion in the streets and schismatic behavior in churches create civil and ecclesiastical disorder, to which the authorities in church and state can react only by more sanctions, more censures, more punishments.»
The Protestant propensity to deny that pastors are sexual beings like everyone else leads to misuse of power and authority in the church.
Christian feminists have contributed to knowledge about the ways in which dualistic theologies function to deprive women and minorities of power and authority in the church.
As the Protestant — Catholic Groupe des Dombes» latest contribution to ecumenical thought, «One Teacher»: Doctrinal Authority in the Church, affirms, authority in the church belongs to the whole people of God.
That relationship has some radical implications for the meaning of authority in the Church.
In actual practice, these two directions of representation are not always, so to speak, in synch» and this has posed the most difficult problems when it comes to the exercise of authority in the church.
The key difference dividing Catholics from other Christians» Orthodox and Protestants alike» is authority in the Church.
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