Sentences with phrase «authorization code»

Upon doing this, you'll receive a Remote Connect authorization code in your email.
The chip card enables each transaction to have a unique authorization code, not the card number.
They get a single authorization code, and are allowed to install the software on up to 100 computers.
Inca Trail Reservations is authorized to operate along the Incan Roads, authorization code for 2017 - 2018: CI0088.
To enable this communication, the cloud or service should support the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type.
Apple removed the apps, but the AceDeceiver attack remains a danger to Chinese iPhone users, as the hackers still have authorization codes from Apple.
Using a technique called «conjugate coding, «two secret messages — such as separate authorization codes — can be encoded into the same string of qubits, so that a user can retrieve either one of the two messages.
Returns must be issued a four digit Return Authorization Code and will result in a 25 % restocking fee.
For example, if a paper published the detailed authorization code software for U.S. nuclear missiles currently in use, that could probably be classified and prevented from being published.
1 Stop Driving School licensed instructor logs into the course and opens the testing site for each student who presents the written verification of completion document entering their seven digit student authorization code.
When you receive an OAuth2.AuthorizationCode, grant also contains a code attribute that contains an OAuth2 authorization code.
Palo Alto Networks discovered that from July 2015 to February 2016, three AceDeceiver iOS app were accepted in the official iOS App Store, posing as wallpaper apps, and offering attackers the fake authorization codes that are needed in these attack.
The two discs are on opposite sides of an Elite eco-friendly Blu - ray case, with the DVD covered by BD - Live directions and the unique digital copy authorization code.
That element, the president's authorization codes, is supposed to remain in close proximity to the president at all times, carried by one of five military aides, representing each branch of the military.
When users want to log on to Telegram from a new phone, the company sends them authorization codes via SMS, which can be intercepted by the phone company and shared with the hackers, the researchers said.
A one - shot memory might contain two authorization codes: one that credits the recipient's bank account and one that credits the sender's bank account, in case the transfer is canceled.
The only insert in the unslipcovered, standard Eco-Box with tray is an authorization code for Warner's new Insider Rewards program.
Instead, you can download it from an official site with the provided authorization code.
The three discs (of which only the BD is given a full - color label) fit into an unslipcovered, standard - sized Blu - ray case with an insert providing digital copy directions and authorization code, while advertising The Iron Lady on back.
Once you receive the authorization code, you'll need to initialize the vehicle via the Remote Authorization app in the Entune 3.0 multimedia system.
(The app is free, but users pay for an authorization code in order to access the recorded data.)
Barnes & Noble's press release explains how the package will work: the company's «state - of - the art cashiering system will allow retail customers to seamlessly combine a Nook Book purchase with the purchase of the new hardcover title in - store, and leave with the authorization codes to download their digital purchase, as well as the digital version of the free, exclusive novella on any of their Nook devices.»
Within 72 hours, Alaska will deduct 10,000 miles from your account and send you an email with your authorization code.
The authorization code in the email will cover the application fee at your TSA Precheck screening appointment.
From there, register to redeem your points for PreCheck and receive an authorization code, fill out a TSA PreCheck application online and schedule an interview appointment.
You'll then need to show your authorization code in order to have the $ 85 fee waived.
And 31 percent said that, even if they no longer worked for the company, with their knowledge of the systems they could access encryption keys and authorization codes and hack in remotely to snoop, secretly alter files or shut down the data system.
Drivers must have their authorization code to register for the online course.
Use the authorization code provided to call Login with Amazon (LWA) to retrieve authorization and refresh tokens and store them for a customer.
Exchange the authorization code for an access token and refresh token using Login With Amazon (LWA).
In the FairPlay MITM attack, hackers purchase an app from the store and then intercept and save the authorization code, which Apple sends over to a PC each time an app purchase procedure is initiated.
Skills that use the Smart Home Skill API or Video Skill API must use account linking (with the authorization code grant flow) to connect the Alexa user with their device cloud account.
In addition, the device cloud for any cloud - enabled device must support the authorization code grant flow type.
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