Sentences with phrase «authors and readers want»

They need to book a convention center and make ample room available for ALL the authors and readers wanting to be there.

Not exact matches

A story with millions of your own adventure in it — looking for readers, writers, ghost writers, authors, editors, reporters, journalists, bloggers, influencers, entrepreneurs, sponsors like you who want to help by giving $ 1 or more and spreading this campaign and the story to the world.
I have never completely caught the disease... I try to give biblical authors the same freedom and flexibility I want readers to give me.
They allow the poem to be utterly serious when its author wants it to be (one can not imagine such playfulness being allowed in the climactic visions of Paradiso XXXIII), and they allow readers to think that Dante is at least as sane as they are.
The author loves theology and wants to communicate an appreciation of the subject to his readers.
Most biblical authors assume that their readers want to know how to obey God and follow Jesus better.
The author does assume a prior knowledge of Therese, and some instances of her life are mentioned with little explanation, but this is not off - putting; rather it makes the reader want to learn more.
For numerous product categories (from cribs to car seats to clothes), the authors break down their worth - the - money picks into good, better and best categories based on how much readers want to spend.
Partly because this is a time of change and within living memory, but also because it is clear that the author knows and enjoys a wealth of information & sources which he wants to share with the reader.
The study authors also wanted to make sure that book readers weren't living longer just because they were smarter to begin with, so they gave participants cognition tests at the start of the study and three years later.
An author should still know that their role in marketing and promoting the book is integral to the process since, at the end of the day, readers / fans will want to hear from the author.
The reader is becoming the entity who dictates what the market wants and what the authors write.
That means you'll want to send different types of content when interacting with your «real» friends vs. fans and readers, and you'll need a separate platform for your author brand.
It's no longer just the expat markets but all those hungry readers who want to improve their language skills and / or read god authors in their language rather than filtered through a translator.
He wanted an open, affordable, and public solution that aspiring authors could use to share their knowledge and ideas with readers more easily than ever before.
A good cinematic book trailer is the type of thing that potential readers will want to share with their friends, literary websites will want to write articles on, and brands the author as a professional with a multimedia digital marketing campaign, a force to be reckoned with.
Although, I think it's possible to find other ways to get readers, like your advanced copy deal that you did, I can see how some authors might want to do it this way, and still get money for it.
But I would assume that an author would want a novel written and uploaded in enticing increments to pique the interest of the reader & keep them buying.
Readers want quality work for the money they spend, and our main goal as authors should be to see that they get that from us.
$ 3 is still not a huge stretch compared to the $ 10 or more most traditional publishers are charging for ebooks, but as an Indie author, I want to make sure to keep a handle on what my readers are expecting and willing to pay.
Because I am not restricted by a publication and distribution chain that only allows a certain number of books per month / year or by editorial policies that think readers only want a new book by an author once a year.
The truth has always been that most trad published books are damp squibs (speaking from experience), but self - publishing has allowed authors to give readers what they want to read instead of what agents and publishers think they want to read.
We give your book it's best possible shot at success before we share it with anyone, and then we put it in front of the right kind of readers (not just other authors who also want to promote their books).
Authors and publishers don't want readers to be shut out of a series just because they accidentally started on book four.
You may use all or none of the above, but the important thing to keep in mind about building and growing an author platform is the end goal: You want to create a network that helps readers discover your books.
I did want to provide a networking opportunity for writers and publishers, but I also wanted to create an opportunity for readers to meet authors they might have read as well as discover new authors.
Either way, as a self - published author, if you hope to have your worked noticed and picked up by new readers, you'll want as many stars and reviews as you can get.
Fiction authors were the most likely to go e-book only and their choice in on par with what readers want.
If you're a true crime reader or want to know more about the mystery that gripped a city for more than 30 years, check out the book and our Q&A with the authors.
Author, agents, and publishers can argue all they want while the industry watchers report on it, but at the end of the day, the reader simply does not care how the book was published.
But despite your arrogant demands writers will still put their work out there just as publishers will still make money off named authors and the readers will be the ones that decide what they want to read.
I, as a reader, could not agree more with Jane Meep or less with you and the other laureates who want it now and want want it «quick» as an author or don't know or care the difference between literature and a dime novel as a reader.
Tell you what: Let us readers decide what we want to read, and who we consider to deserve the title of «Author».
Publishers, authors and readers alike have all seen the benefit, so its no surprise they'd want to test the waters.
«I have had readers say that they were sad that a book ended because they didn't want the characters to go away, because they missed them,» author and psychologist Charles Fernyhough, one of the report's creators, said in an interview with The Guardian.
One reader wanted to know the best way to seduce an author, and his response does not disappoint.
And right now, they want to incentivize authors to supply KU with more of what readers are downloading the most — longer works — instead of the shorter works that readers are downloading the least.
While you're converting your manuscript, you may want to include front and end - matter — the materials at the beginning and end of your book that can often point readers to the rest of your work, or tell them more about you as an author.
If other places want my business as an author and reader, I'm all ears, but you're going to have to give me a reason that boils down to more than «Amazon is evil.»
The author guides you through the process of discovering what readers want and how you as the writer can write books you love and still be profitable doing so.
And readers want to think of authors as being grand and larger than liAnd readers want to think of authors as being grand and larger than liand larger than life.
Entrepreneur who wants to build a way for readers to find the books they will love and for authors to get their books into the hands of every reader who will love them.
If you want more tips about how to find your readers and engage with them, watch, read about, or listen to the 3rd episode of The Author Hangout, featuring Cristin Harber, an author who sold 20,000 books in 1 Author Hangout, featuring Cristin Harber, an author who sold 20,000 books in 1 author who sold 20,000 books in 1 month!
Traditionally published and self - published authors all want readers.
We started charging only in 2014 and for a few very specific reasons a) We wanted Books Butterfly to grow and connect more authors and more readers b) We wanted to have a bigger team and reach more readers and curate more authors.
Hopefully, the absence of some major authors from eBook stores will be temporary — but in the meantime, you could be forgiven for thinking that publishers really do want to hand all the cards to Amazon — they're the cheapest and, for whatever reason, they are now the ones with the biggest range of books, some of which UK readers can not, right now, buy electronically in a format compatible with their own devices.
Readers got ta wan na read it, and this is where author participation comes in handy.
Readers love to see what you look like, so put in your very best author photo, and a short bio, complete with all your social media links, your website address, and a direct link to your email list in case they loved your book so much they want to be kept updated on further releases.
As a big thank you for participating in Kate Tilton's #K8chat, I've created a free «cheat sheet» that outlines what authors want, what readers want, and how we can build a bridge between the two that (hopefully) satisfies the needs of both.
Readers, because they can't get books they want, and authors, because their sales take it right in the teeth.
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