Sentences with phrase «authors called write»

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Also on the list is a smart glove that helps stroke victims recover hand movement and agility, a lightweight wearable that makes it easier for those with epilepsy to monitor night seizures, and a cordless breast - milk pump «that's quiet enough for a woman to use while on a conference call,» the authors write.
American author Jack London is perhaps best known for writing The Call of the Wild.
When Cory Silverberg, a Toronto - based sex educator and author, decided two years ago to write a kids book on human reproduction called What Makes a Baby, he considered two options.
In 1945, Arthur C. Clarke, a physicist and budding science - fiction author, wrote a manuscript called The Space Station: Its Radio Applications.
«The system is riddled with loopholes — what I would call «landmines» — that can blow up your financial future,» writes Tony Robbins, author of the bestseller «MONEY: Master The Game.»
(Szalavitz has also written extensively about her own experiences with addiction and recently authored a book on the topic, called «Unbroken Brain».)
«Author Julie Morgenstern wrote an entire book on the subject, called Never Check Email in the Morning,» The Huffington Post reminds readers in an article that rounds up several voices all agreeing with Morgenstern and Bradberry.
I can not wait for the time, hopefully, that I can personally ask Jesus of what He thought of all the miscellaneous ramblings of so - called religious authors such as the idiot who wrote this particular piece.
Poorly written language calls attention to itself and to its author and seldom to its message.
Tracing the course of the author's work from Typee to Billy Budd, Kelley shows convincingly that Melville — though he borrowed from many different sources — belongs completely to none of the established genres of Victorian city writing: the Romantic pastoral that used urban depravity to extol rural virtue; the popular «Reform Literature» of the yellow journalists that sensationalized municipal corruption and disorder; the «scientific» tracts of the emerging city planning movement; or the urban strolls of the flâneur and the Addisonian «spectator» (a genre that reached its peak, for New York, with what Kelley calls the «humorous - genteel - sentimental - melodramatic - ironic» observations of Charles Dickens in his 1842 American Notes).
He inspires the human authors to write about Him in these ways so that He can paint the outline, or picture (Greg calls it a shadow) of what Jesus will do for all humanity on the cross.
Apocalyptic literature follows the pattern of a vision in which the author receives a call to write, and then describes, with highly cryptic imagery, a series of symbolic events which predict the overthrow of evil and the triumph of righteousness.
That means if an author wrote something untrue, or even a stretcher, the other eyewitnesses would have called them on it.
Timothy Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and author of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, has written a paper for BioLogos called, «Creation, Evolution, and Christian People.»
CNN: My Take: The danger of calling behavior «biblical» Rachel Held Evans, a popular blogger and author of «A Year of Biblical Womanhood,» writes about her discomfort seeing the bible «edited down and used as a prop to support a select few political positions and platforms.»
The books were written by eyewitnesses during the lives of other eyewitnesses... meaning if an author wrote something untrue, the other eyewitnesses would have called them on it.
The study of these texts, written as they were by pagan, pre-Christian authors, led to such a new appreciation of the creative capabilities of humankind in its unredeemed state that it has been called a revolution of consciousness.
The «Interview with a Vampire» author, who wrote a book about her spirituality titled «Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession» in 2008, said Wednesday that she refuses to be «anti-gay,» «anti-feminist,» «anti-science» and «anti-Democrat.»
And no one would have written «The Rapture Plot» — the most accurate, most detailed, and most highly endorsed nonfiction history of the 184 - year - old pretrib rapture theory, available by calling 800.643.4645; the author of it will give $ 1000 to anyone proving there is any deliberate dishonesty in it.)
Even though the creators of the National Curriculum are keen to emphasise the importance of what they call «the English literary heritage», by which they mean «authors with an enduring appeal that transcends the period in which they were writing, and who have played a significant role in the development of literature in English» [Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2007, 71), their choice of recommended authors reveals a set of post-Protestant secular assumptions which need to be challenged if Catholic culture is to flourish in Catholic schools.
In the book Accidental Magic, author Roy Williams writes about something called «Broca.»
The group of letters traditionally ascribed to John, the author of the Fourth Gospel, contain no mention of their author, except that II and III John are written by someone who calls himself «the elder».
I've come to know her as a kind and generous woman, a heck of a mom, a marathon runner, a fantastic cook, and a very busy author... she's writes a blog with her lovely daughters Sharon and Maggy called Three Many Cooks, and she's written seven cookbooks.
Author Mira Kirshenbaum writes in her book, «The Weekend Marriage», that the American state of matrimony is all too often the victim of what she calls «Murphy's law» of marriage: «The less time you have together, the more things go wrong in your relationship.»
«Author Shaun Gallagher has written a book about experiments you can do with your children, called Experimenting with Babies.»
The book just recently came out and got a great review from Cathy Parisi, founder of Waterbirth International, and Barbara Harper, author of Gentle Birth Choices, who called it «the best doula book ever written».
She is also the author of the book, Birthing from Within written in 1998, and next year she will be publishing an updated version with Virginia Bobro called Ancient Map for Modern Birth.
The authors also call for fundamental changes in public health and drug treatment messaging: «Public education about antibiotics should highlight the fact that antibiotic resistance is primarily the result of antibiotic overuse and is not prevented by completing a course,» they wrote.
Writing this kind of multiple narrative is a challenge, and one that science fiction author Hannu Rajaniemi has tackled with technologist Samuel Halliday for an e-book project called Neurofiction.
Writing in the journal Current Anthropology, they say the tools could have been what lead author Claudio Tennie calls «latent solutions» that rely on an animal's inherent skill rather than cultural transmission.
«We call this the budget contraction effect,» write authors Kurt A. Carlson (Georgetown University), Jared Wolfe (Long Island University), Simon J. Blanchard (Georgetown University), Joel C. Huber (Duke University), and Dan Ariely (Duke University).
The paper, written by authors at King's College London and Baylor College of Medicine, reviews contraceptive devices available including those already used by military and aviation personnel, and calls for more research into the effect of hormone treatments on bone mineral loss in space.
As extreme weather events likely connected to the planet's warming climate become increasingly common, low - income communities are positioned to suffer the worst consequences during the aftermath of natural disasters, write the authors of a report from the Center for American Progress called «One Storm Shy of Despair.»
«The duration of foraging trips has decreased, breeding success has improved and birds have increased in mass by more than 1 kilogram,» wrote the study's authors, who called their findings «positive consequences of climate change.»
«The data represents a clarion call to action to avoid the deadly, and entirely avoidable, impact this pollution is having on India's population,» the authors wrote.
Study authors, led by Andreas Nathues at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany, write that the bright material is consistent with a type of magnesium sulfate called hexahydrite.
Denise is the author of a book called «Death by Food Pyramid» and came to fame writing -LSB-...]
«Whilst the authors of this paper did conclude that coconut oil does significantly raise LDL cholesterol, they also had some other significant insights that were left out by the advisory panel,» Magnuire writes, who also questions why the AHA calls out coconut oil specifically.
It is written by a South African author called Michael Brown.
Take the quiz to find out ^ - ^ Disclaimer: I made this before I knew about Beast and Joker and basically the scouttroop is a fanfiction author that has written 39 stories for Star Wars, Resident Evil, G. I. Joe, Naruto, Call of Duty, Ninja Turtles, Warhammer, Date
In a positive way it reminded me of Shirley Jackson's haunting novel «The Lottery,» and offers another perceptive version of the institutionalized brutality of children manifested in the Japanese film of 2000 called Battle Royale (the author has stated she did not see the film until after writing the book).
The authors and screenwriters behind «Call Me by Your Name» and «The Handmaid's Tale» were on hand to receive the award, which recognizes the 2017's best film and TV adaptations of the the written word.
Now, later in his career, he has concentrated more on producing films, including Call Me By Your Name but was inspired enough to also write the screenplay from French author André Aciman's novel.
I also blog regularly about writing instruction at and am the author of a book for new teachers called Finding Success the First Year: A Survivor's Guide for New Teachers.
They presented a piece of writing in an Author's Café and wrote a call to action («I wrote this piece because...; I would like people to... because...»).
Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the bestseller Emotional Intelligence, has just written a book called Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence.
And in a recent report called «The Education Transformation Project» authored by Steven Adamowski and other Connecticut superintendents, they wrote, «High quality expanded learning time in schools is a core strategy as policymakers and educators recognize that the standard school calendar does not fit many students» needs.
The three authors are: Howard Gardner, a cognitive psychologist best known for his theory of multiple intelligences; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a social psychologist, who writes from an evolutionary and motivational perspective, best known for discovering the psychological state called «flow»; and William Damon, a developmental psychologist who has focused on social and moral issues.
Inspire your creativity by spending up to 10 days writing in Ernest Hemingway's private study at the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum — and experience Hemingway Days 2016, celebrating the iconic author who called Key West home in the 1930s.
She wrote a book called The Indie Author guide, which she has made available totally for free on her website (not exactly the behavior of a money grubber) I've read the book and it's filled with tips on how indie authors can get their work out affordably.
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