Sentences with phrase «authors in neighboring countries»

«Consider, for example, the many respected literary works by Slovenian authors in neighboring countries, such as Maja Haderlap in Carinthia or Boris Pahor, who lives in Trieste and is already considered a classic Slovenian writer of contemporary literature in Italy, France and Germany.

Not exact matches

On June 30, following on work published in the scientific journal Nature by STRI post-doctoral fellow, Scott Mangan, a group of 50 researchers from 12 countries published a paper in Science (lead author, Joe LaManna, Washington University in St. Louis) showing that close plant relatives make bad neighbors and that the negative interactions between relatives are stronger in the tropics, which may explain why tropical forests are so rich in species diversity: Because plants do not do well next to their relatives, there is more space for non-relatives to fill.
The authors of the Old Testament were also familiar with the plague stories told in their neighboring country, since Canaan and the kingdom of the pharaohs had by then been in close contact over many centuries.
One of the misunderstandings authors have about the sale of ebooks abroad is that customers in countries that do not have their own dedicated Amazon stores are still often able to use a «neighboring» Amazon.
Yesterday, to explore the stasis in negotiations, I had a Skype text chat about the disconnect between countries focused on whale hunting and whale protection with David Rothenberg, a friend and neighbor who is a professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and author of «Thousand Mile Song» — a book about whale communication.
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