Sentences with phrase «authors reach their publishing goals»

Ally loves using her insider knowledge and broad experience to help authors reach their publishing goals by improving their writing skills, polishing their manuscripts, and learning to navigate the publishing world.

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From the smallest detail of the next book idea, to the big picture of the writer's lifelong dreams, we work strategically to help each author reach his or her writing and publishing goals.
As more authors move toward indie publishing, I feel there will be a growing need for designers, editors and other publishing professionals to help them reach their goals.
Our goal is to help authors reach the broadest possible audience by providing tools to create, publish, market... Continue Reading →
The Author Learning Center (ALC) is a community of writing and publishing experts and aspirants who pool their knowledge to help everyone reach their literary goals....
What is clear by comparing these pictures is that we have experience in our corner, as you will see many of the same people year after year, a testament to their experience and joy in helping self - publishing authors reach their goals: Between 2012 and 2011 the following people joined us for both parties: Back Row: Shirley, Ellen, Patrick, Donna, Cindy, Tony, and Brent.
The goal of the coaching relationship is to help aspiring authors reach their goals, navigate the publishing industry, and if desired coach them in the process of finding an agent or an editor.
Through his own success, Poynter was able to help many other aspiring authors reach their goals and learn to be successful self - published writers themselves.
As a 30 year member, one of the great things about RMFW was the help the published authors offered in helping those of us coming up reach our goals.
From the smallest detail of the next book idea, to the big picture of the writer's lifelong dreams, we work strategically to help each author reach his or her writing and publishing goals.
The writers who truly want to become successful published authors simply do what it takes to reach their goal.
From my personal and professional experience, plus conversations with thousands of aspiring and accomplished authors, I have identified seven key things writers need if they are going to reach their publishing goals.
Maybe a better question is: How do they reach their goal of becoming successful published authors?
There you will find a unique combination of expert advice, author - inspired tools, and a community to help you reach your publishing goals.
The goal of the podcast is to help authors - whether they are new to the ebook publishing world or New York Times bestsellers - develop strategies to reach more readers.
Shawn offers SuzyQ clients, including authors who are pre-published, self - published and all the way up to New York Times bestselling authors, guidance and support in all aspects of their book careers with the ultimate goal of reaching their target audience.
The fulfillment of helping people with their publishing pursuits and reaching their goals of becoming an author.
So here I am, late at night writing these few nuggets of actionable advice for you writers and authors out there, to help you overcome the hurdles stopping you from reaching your publishing goals.
I trust you have found these tips helpful, and I am confident that by following them you can reach your goal of becoming a published author.
But for self - published authors, reaching this goal may be a bit harder to accomplish.
One of the members who has had success with Indie publishing posted a list of things they suggested authors do to reach their writing goals.
Also, if you want 1 - on - 1 support to help you reach your publishing goals, click here now to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call with Mark and click here to access all of the Free Resources on our websites for authors.
I decided to take the traditional publishing road because my goals as an author are first and foremost to reach as many readers as possible with the best book I could write.
To become a self - published author, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes for however long it takes to reach your goal.
From the smallest detail of the next book idea, to the big picture of the writer's lifelong dreams, we work strategically to help each author reach his or her writing and publishing goals.
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