Sentences with phrase «autism genes»

"Autism genes" refers to certain genes or genetic variations that are believed to be associated with an increased likelihood of developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These genes can influence how the brain develops and functions, potentially affecting social interaction, communication, and behavior in individuals with ASD. However, it's important to note that autism is a complex disorder influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and not solely determined by specific genes. Full definition
We know that autism is a highly genetic condition, and mothers who carry autism genes are more likely to be anxious and have more diligent personalities.
The researchers also determined that many of the 18 newly identified autism genes affect the operation of a small subset of biological pathways in the brain.
Although other autism genes almost certainly exist, Cantor says, the discovery is a «crucial first step» toward figuring out the cause of autism and developing treatments.
The researchers used «bait» proteins from over two dozen known autism genes, fishing in a pool of human DNA for other proteins that would interact with the baits.
In a study published earlier this year, Jiang and other collaborators at Duke described a mouse model of autism in which they deleted a prominent autism gene called SHANK3, which is mutated in 1 percent of people with the disorder.
«We couldn't have done this even two years ago,» State said, «because we didn't have the key ingredients: a set of unbiased autism genes that we have confidence in, and a map of the landscape of the developing human brain.
An independent study published last month looked at several autism genes and made a strong case for three of the new genes2.
This finding suggests a domino effect in which RORA deficiency can impact many autism genes.
«It's noteworthy that we're still finding new autism genes, let alone 18 of them, after a decade of intense focus,» says study co-author Mathew Pletcher, Ph.D., Autism Speaks» vice president for genomic discovery.
«Devastating de novo mutations in autism genes should be under strong negative selection pressure,» he explains.
According to the study, the researchers» genetic analysis supports previous findings that people carrying autism genes tend to be intelligent, as well as findings about common traits between autism and high IQs — bigger brains that grow faster, better sensory and visual - spatial capabilities, and improved decision - making, to name a few.
Cerebellin is a family of genes that physically interact with other autism genes to form glutamatergic synapses, the junctions where neurons communicate with each other via the neurotransmitter glutamate.
«Given the small subset of autism genes we studied, I had no expectation that we would see the degree of spatiotemporal convergence that we saw,» said State, an international authority on the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders.
We are interested to see our study help others around the world better understand this gene and how it affects synapses and hope the model can be generalized to other autism genes
Co-expression of genes in the brain's prefrontal cortex when a human fetus is 10 to 19 weeks old in the womb, with high - confidence autism genes («seed genes») shown as black circles, probable autism genes as gray circles, and other highly co-expressed genes as white circles.
In a major development, UCLA geneticist Rita Cantor recently pinpointed the location of an autism gene.
«Researchers ferret out function of autism gene
The team pares down a list of about 500 likely causal genes to slightly more than 200 best «candidate» autism genes.
The study, whose first author is the quantitative biologist Ivan Iossifov, a CSHL assistant professor and on faculty at the New York Genome Center, finds that «autism genes» - i.e., those that, when mutated, may contribute to an ASD diagnosis - tend to have fewer mutations than most genes in the human gene pool.
The team speculates that the «high - risk» autism genes they carry may generate other effects in these women.
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