Sentences with phrase «autistic children respond»

While autistic children respond to such stimulus objects as toys and musical instruments, it is difficult to elicit speech from them.
While some autistic children respond well to having a nightlight, others require total darkness with a black out blind over the window for blocking the exterior light as well.

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El Kaliouby and Picard, an MIT professor and Affectiva's chief scientist, were developing a device that could respond to users» emotions, with the aim of helping autistic children communicate better.
Any parent should keep in mind that if a child is not responding to his name, it doesn't necessarily mean he's autistic.
Autistic children blinked right through those moments, suggesting they were not following the emotional arc of the story, but they responded sharply when an object suddenly moved.
These «failure to thrive» autistic children are very hard to put on this diet because of their parents» fears, but will usually respond when acceptable substitutes to the non-tolerated foods can be provided.
EW: How should coaches explain to other team participants that autistic children might respond differently?
If the child responds, whether verbally or non-verbally, then the therapist continues to develop a helping relationship with the autistic child.
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