Sentences with phrase «autistic traits»

The higher the number of ideas produced, the lower the participant's level of autistic traits tended to be.
It is the first study to find a link between autistic traits and the creative thinking processes.
Basically what this means is that individuals with autistic traits are unable to properly cycle certain amino acids throughout the nervous system.
The new research suggests that people with high autistic traits go straight to these more difficult strategies.
The results suggested that those participants who exhibited higher levels of autistic traits were more at risk of suicidal behaviour during their lifetime.
The academics used standard tests and a psychological model to investigate associations between autistic traits, depression, feelings of not belonging and of being a burden, and suicidal behaviour.
Given the time and cost of performing in - depth interviews and observational diagnostic assessments of ASD, such as the Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI - R) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)(Lord et al. 1989, 1994), many studies have relied on questionnaires to measure autistic traits.
Autistic traits include social and communication difficulties, attention to detail and the tendency to have narrow obsessive interests.
The study used an age - and IQ - matched sample of school - aged youth diagnosed with ASD to assess sex differences according to the standard clinical tests including the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI - R), as well as parent reported autistic traits and adaptive skills.
While they found that people with high autistic traits produced fewer responses when generating alternative solutions to a problem - known as «divergent thinking» - the responses they did produce were more original and creative.
A study carried out by the Laboratoire Neurobiologie des Interactions Cellulaires et Neurophysiopathologie (CNRS / Aix - Marseille Université), in collaboration with clinicians from Marseilles Public Hospitals (AP - HM) and scientists from the Salk Institute in San Diego (US), has revealed a new gene that plays a crucial role during early development in humans and whose under - expression may induce certain autistic traits.
Quantitative autistic traits are transmitted intergenerationally and increase risk for autism spectrum disorders
This 40 - item parent questionnaire uses a «yes» or «no» response format to validate autistic traits, and is summed to obtain a total score, with higher scores indicating greater ASD severity (Rutter et al. 2003).
They're searching for additional information about the extent and intensity of individual autistic traits that could be tied to the traits» genetic underpinnings.
Factor analyses of autistic traits in clinical ASD and community samples, using a variety of ASD measurement tools, generally indicate that multiple factors account for the observed covariance structure of ASD symptoms and traits (Happé and Ronald 2008; Mandy and Skuse 2008).
The finding could help researchers understand more about the relationship between autistic traits and how the brain adapts to problem solving in the general population.
Co-author of the study Dr Martin Doherty, from UEA's School of Psychology, said: «People with high autistic traits could be said to have less quantity but greater quality of creative ideas.
«People with autistic traits may approach creativity problems in a different way,» said Dr Doherty.
I have my theories about where I got my autistic traits and they have nothing to do with eating fat - free.
A recent twin study looked into whether there's a genetic association between autistic traits and atypical sensory...
Researchers found that people who exhibited higher levels of autistic traits were more likely to try to end their lives than people without the traits because they felt they were excluded from society, were a burden on friends and family, and because they experienced depression.
Research to date has failed to understand the link between autistic traits and suicide but this study suggests that promoting social inclusion and independence could literally save lives.»
Higher levels of autistic traits were also associated with increased vulnerability to experiencing feelings of depression, feeling they are a burden on others, and do not belong in the world, which may put them at more risk of attempting suicide.
«We hope the ACE studies will help us better understand the diversity of the autism spectrum by allowing us to focus on the ways in which differences in sex and gender identity might influence the expression of autistic traits, thereby enabling us to make more accurate diagnoses,» Dr. Ratto concludes.
They found that a higher synchrony was associated with a higher severity of autistic traits.
New research has found that people with high levels of autistic traits are more likely to produce unusually creative ideas.
The researchers analysed data from 312 people who completed an anonymous online questionnaire to measure their autistic traits and took part in a series of creativity tests.
«Research examines relationship between autism and creativity: New research has found that people with high levels of autistic traits are more likely to produce unusually creative ideas.»
People who generated four or more unusual responses in the task were found to have higher levels of autistic traits.
Dr Catherine Best, Health Researcher at the University of Stirling, said: «This is the first study to find a link between autistic traits and the creative thinking processes.
The finding of this study could help researchers understand more about the relationship between autistic traits and how the brain adapts to problem solving in the general population.
* «Grand - maternal smoking in pregnancy and grandchild's autistic traits and diagnosed autism» by Golding et al. published in Scientific Reports on Thursday 27th April.
Are Autistic Traits in the General Population Related to Global and Regional Brain Differences?
In a study published today by Royal Society Open Science, the international research team revealed that people who show evidence of autistic traits are more likely to suppress coarse (as opposed to fine) visual information when they move their eyes rapidly from one part of the world to another than those without autistic traits.
Having autism means having every autistic trait (lack of empathy, obsessive behavior, no self - awareness, and extreme competitiveness to name a few) Ginny was clearly not a genius nor did she have a prodigious memory.
I live with social anxiety and a nice package of autistic traits.
Auyeung, B., 2010, Research Foetal testosterone and autistic traits in 18 to 24 - month - old children, Molecular Autism 1 (11): 1 ~ 8
Session 5 - Topics Include: Autistic Traits & Schema Therapy, Schemas» Comprised Bodily Sensations, Anger - Related Schema Modes in BPD patients, Chronic Pain Patients and Schema Therapy
In this study, we investigated the autistic traits (even including moderate - AQ participants) of typically developing adolescents, measured with the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), and the spectral property of their behavioral and physiological responses during emotion - discrimination tasks.
The factors were allowed to correlate since it is reasonable to assume that different aspects of autistic traits will be related.
Since males are relatively more vulnerable to the genetic susceptibility for autistic traits and show increased autistic traits as compared to females (Bishop et al. 2004; Constantino and Todd 2003), a large father participation might reflect self - selection for the parent program to cope with their own social communication problems.
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