Sentences with phrase «auto industry reflected»

However, the American auto industry reflected the post-war prosperity of the late - 1940s and the 1950s.
In China, the move to open the auto industry reflects growing official confidence in the country's young but fast - growing automakers and a desire to make the industry more flexible as Beijing promotes the development of electric cars.

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Somewhat predictably, the majority of the slowdown within manufacturing has been concentrated in transport equipment, which reflects the downturn in the auto industry, and information and computer technologies (ICT), a sector that took a big hit when telecom giant Nortel went belly up.
Though Marchionne's comments were largely overshadowed by the hoopla surrounding Ferrari's first day of trading, they reflect what many people have been thinking for some time: Detroit may be the heart and soul of America's auto industry, but the brains appear to be shifting to California.
Friday's employment report showed growth in manufacturing, much of which reflects the rebirth of the U.S. auto industry.
SAN FRANCISCO — Reflecting an auto industry in recovery, an upbeat mood is expected to prevail at the 94th annual National Automobile Dealers Assn.'s convention and exposition here Feb. 5 - 7.
Still, the company's subtle softening is significant and reflects a gathering trend among much of U.S. industry, from utilities to auto makers.
The film had reflected the overall struggling picture of the American auto industry.
Michigan had an 13.9 percent unemployment rate in 2009 and was at 9.8 percent in October 2011, reflecting a turnaround of the auto industry.
In the late 1990s, Oakland County began billing itself as Automation Alley to reflect the deep pool of high - tech manufacturing talent within the auto industry.
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