Sentences with phrase «autocorrect mistake»

Seems like just an autocorrect mistake for the week 14 opponent of the Cincinnati Bengals since they correctly wrote out «Steelers» for week 17.
Then I would go through it, fixing autocorrect mistakes or typos, while doing this I would also be able to see where I had left and idea or scene unfinished.

Not exact matches

When you make a mistake, it too often autocorrects to gibberish; being forced to be precise is the last thing you want from a smartphone keyboard.
But the Finnish team think autocorrect humour is ripe for automation, because the funniest mistakes are based on «simple and unintentional puns», says researcher Hannu Toivonen.
Many indie authors often make the mistake of not having a dedicated editor to insure their book is not riddled with spelling mistakes or issues stemming from autocorrect in Microsoft Word.
An author corrects his mistakes, autocorrects them and incorporates them into a new reality.
Many hiring managers disregard applications that contain mistakes, and they likewise won't think much of a candidate who sends a follow - up note with grammatical mistakes or autocorrect fails.
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