Sentences with phrase «autocratic rule»

"Autocratic rule" refers to a form of government where one leader holds all the power and has full control over decision making, without considering other people's opinions or involving them in the process. Full definition
This blog explores the role of soccer at a time of transition of the Middle East from autocratic rule to a more open society.
Although the church, along with all institutions, will find adherents no matter how autocratic the rule of its membership is, I claim that in order for the church to survive in a healthy manner,...
Bulawayo's words paint a clear yet lyrical message of life in Zimbabwe, a country in turmoil for decades under autocratic rule.
Both, ultimately, subscribed to the same vision of God as sovereign ruler rather than loving father, and it was this vision that supplied the rationale behind autocratic rule, whether that rule came in the form of an inerrant scripture, an infallible pope, or an all - encompassing state.
They were protesting Putin's autocratic rule over Russia by praying to Mary to remove him from power.
Avoid autocratic rule that provides the richest culture for visionary thinking.
It can also be very difficult — see, for example, the many accounts of Sir Montagu Norman's autocratic rule in the early part of the 20th century when he was the bane of all chancellors of any political colour.
She dissolves Parliament and assumes autocratic rule.
Hence the struggle can only be one of power, either democratic rule of the majority or autocratic rule of a power elite.
By 1944, after enduring more than two decades of Landis's autocratic rule, the owners were openly rebelling against their now elderly commissioner, whom they referred to as the Czar.
Whether Gambia succeeds in swearing in Barrow is viewed as a test for democracy in West Africa, a region which is seeking to draw a line under a history of coups and autocratic rule.
MS Quinn carries Bloomberg's water — pro landlord, corporations, anti real rent protections, autocratic rule of the City Council, failure to protect even her own district from developers, and she is not 100 percent there for the GLBT Community.
This blog explores the role of soccer at a time of transition from autocratic rule to a more open society.
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