Sentences with phrase «automatic reduction»

An individual can buy auto insurance online while sitting at home which helps in further reduction in insurance quotes due to automatic reduction in travel costs and utility costs.
Meanwhile, the deep «sequestration» budget cuts of 2013, which forced automatic reductions on most federal programs, didn't kick in until spring, and mostly affected students the following school year.
This is because the change in the 2016 voters registration process required automatic reduction in these contracts.»
Even its proposal to clamp down hard on discretionary spending, the category under which all civilian research is funded, wouldn't necessarily translate into automatic reductions for federally funded science.
CBO's analysis can only approximate the ultimate results; the Administration's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) would be responsible for implementing any such automatic reductions on the basis of its own estimates
$ A spokesman for Gov. Pete Wilson said last week that the state deficit, now estimated at $ 14.3 billion, is so huge that it has triggered automatic reductions in school funding under Proposition 98 — thus, ironically, perhaps making suspending the measure unnecessary.0
The automatic reductions — if triggered — would take the form of equal cuts (in dollar terms) in defense and nondefense spending starting in fiscal year 2013.
Many studies on medium chain fatty acids show that, compared to the same amount of calories from other fats, they increase feelings of fullness and lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake (7).
The exact mechanism doesn't matter in my opinion, just the fact that low - carb diets lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.
The combined effect of increased fullness and slowed absorption of nutrients helps decrease appetite level and cause an automatic reduction in food intake (7,8).
This leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.
That's probably because restricting carbs leads to an automatic reduction in appetite.
This week, their plight is getting a bit tougher as the government cuts their unemployment benefits — part of the automatic reductions in federal spending that took effect recently.
To account for any differences between this automatic reduction and the Real World, you can use the Annual Contribution Manual Override in cell J4 or L4 (usually) for the initial year's load.
The cuts already in the works plus the automatic reductions would trim the projected amount by about $ 110 billion.
are intended to adapt the general mechanism for setting the TACs and the fishing effort limitations in order to remedy the shortcomings arising from the application of the previous rules on automatic reduction, which were jeopardising attainment of the objectives of the multiannual recovery plan for cod stocks.
Seeking mitigation does not always mean an automatic reduction.
However, it isn't an automatic reduction and, depending on your circumstances and your state's laws, you may not receive a reduction at all.
The automatic reductions will affect most government programs and could result in periodic furloughs of government employees.
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