Sentences with phrase «automobile fuel efficiency standards»

Yamaguchi, M., 2004: Implementing the Kyoto Protocol commitment and their impacts on trade: Focusing on Japanese automobile fuel efficiency standards.
Democrats are still drafting the energy package, which also will include a boost in automobile fuel efficiency standards and requirements to use more renewable fuel sources like ethanol.
According to those who have accessed early drafts of the EPA's endangerment findings, the original conclusion was that the country could raise automobile fuel efficiency standards to 37.7 miles per gallon by 2018 without significant economic hardship.
Do you support, and will you implement, substantially higher automobile fuel efficiency standards in the near future?
I noticed a post earlier about the automobile fuel efficiency standards, also referring to Investor's Business Daily.
The EPA's recent move to roll back automobile fuel efficiency standards benefits almost no one except auto manufacturers, who save on R&D costs, and oil companies, for whom greater fuel consumption translates into more revenues.

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The money from the German automobile maker came after the company was fined for overstating its fuel efficiency standards.
As part of a pre-Olympic cleanup, China this year adopted some of the toughest fuel - efficiency standards for automobiles anywhere and put pressure on refineries to produce higher - quality gasoline.
A survey indicates two of three consumers are willing to pay about $ 2,500 to meet government fuel - efficiency standards, says Mitch Bainwol, president and CEO of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.
By leading the way in fuel efficiency among all major carmakers and committing to having two - thirds of its global automobile sales to be electrified vehicles by 2030, Honda has set a gold standard for others to follow,» said Dr. Joseph K. Lyou, president and CEO at Coalition for Clean Air.
Two years ago, the Obama administration imposed ambitious automobile fuel - efficiency standards, dictating that the average vehicle travel 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025 — an 83 percent improvement over current standards.
Democrats are committed to defending, implementing, and extending smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for automobiles and heavy - duty vehicles, building codes and appliance standards.
The Bill already includes an 18 % reduction in the budget of the EPA but the additional measures include a rider preventing the EPA from issuing any regulation on greenhouse gases for the next year, a rider stopping the EPA from bringing in proposed fuel - efficiency standards for all automobiles (which were approved by manufacturers) a refusal to label toxic ash spill left from coal combustion as hazardous waste, a rider preventing uranium mining in the Grand Canyon and a prevention on stopping limits on mercury usage.
He implemented historic improvements in fuel - efficiency standards for automobiles, and instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to move forward on the regulation of global - warming pollution under the Clean Air Act.
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