Sentences with phrase «availability of data»

The ready availability of data from sources as disparate as taxpayer reporting, social media accounts, and even satellite pictures of the planet are poised to revolutionize business and tax transparency.
Response: The choice of 26 stations was limited by availability of data.
The authors indicate that the increased availability of data and materials from third parties may explain the overall decline in person - to - person data requests.
New performance metrics, third party rating services and the constantly improving availability of data place unprecedented power in the hands of legal service buyers.
Note 1: Due to inconsistent availability of data, the relative size of each subsidiary is based on either 2014 or 2015 total assets.
How does the timeline sit alongside availability of any data you intend to use as evidence?
Greater availability of data on potential borrowers and new techniques to analyse that data allowed lenders to design products that were, in principle, better tailored to that part of the market.
2) Conduct an ongoing review of all law library data contained on the public website and update as needed to ensure availability of data in relevant accepted industry standards by September 30, 2016.
The great availability of data, analyses, and opinions have allowed me to me to focus on what matters at this stage of my career — working hard, developing my body of work, connecting with readers and other writers, and writing what I love.
We must take care that the ready availability of data on reading and math scores for grades 3 through 8 or on high school graduation rates — all of which provide useful information — do not become streetlights that distract more than they illuminate.
Similarly open availability of all data and computer code is very valuable but here again strict rules may have so severe side effects that setting rules should proceed with great care and some freedom must be left for scientists when the rules are not appropriate for the particular case.
Neural network theory isn't much different than it was in the 1990s, but this century's explosion in cheap computing power and availability of data lets researchers take full advantage of the theories.
The INF project will provide data archival and access function for compliance to DFG regulations on availability of data generated in DFG - funded projects.
Hand in hand with the development in personalised learning is the integration and availability of data analytics.
These apart, ThinkPad K1 buyers will also be entitled to 2 GB of free cloud based storage thus ensuring easy availability of data from anywhere and on any compatible device.
Another important aspect was his insistence on free availability of data, for independent tests of (not only) important findings published in the literature.
In addition, laboratory requirements for computing and data storage are growing rapidly in response to the increased flow and availability of data through its facilities to support (1) increasingly complex models, (2) new areas of research such as ensembles, data assimilation, and coupled models, and (3) the creation and integration of new high resolution datasets coming from next - generation observational platforms.
Circulate e-mails to the group describing success stories about how availability of the data assisted in a successful pitch, aided efficient staffing on a matter or allowed a more complete league table submission.
● Find out if your IT team is taking advantage of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) and disk mirroring for LAN (Local Area Network) servers to guard against data loss and to ensure continued availability of data.
However, unlike our data, because the quality and availability of their data sources vary, their products do not provide a long - term, consistent timeseries suitable for tracking climate trends and variability.
Written By Attorney Lester Rosen, Founder & CEO of Employment Screening Resources (ESR) The rapid growth of «Big Data» — a term used to describe the increasing availability of data of all types — will bring added concerns about privacy and discrimination in 2015.
Another reason for Corti's focus on the medical field is the availability of data.
Be sure to cash in on this availability of data, as it can elevate your prospect's overall perception of your products and will help them view you as a trusted resource.
The availability of this data means that governments, the market, and the public are able to see changes in Australia's waste generation.
The problems are being stoked beyond the availability of the data to create an impression of something which we can not yet reasonably conclude.
«Though the annual burdens report won't reflect the effects of recent changes for several years because of a lag in the availability of data, New York's 2011 state - local tax burden — the highest in the nation — shows just how necessary tax reform is in New York,» Tax Foundation analyst Liz Malm said.
These policies cover topics such as licensing, conflict of interest, authorship, prepublication confidentiality, availability of data and materials, and research integrity.
However, the authors note their study should be considered in the context of some limitations, which include that the analysis was limited by the availability of data and the completeness of reports.
Evolutionary biologist Timothy Vines, of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in Canada, got the idea for the project after finishing up a paper late last year about how archiving policies at journals affected the availability of data.
«Using different microscopy methods, we were able to gain a better understanding of the phases, compositions and crystalline structures that allow these materials to convert light into electricity more efficiently,» said Poplawsky, adding that the availability of data is limited.
To increase the availability of data from the many ongoing Arctic research projects like this one, NSF recently funded a new Arctic Data Center.
For a long time, the availability of data on the actual amounts of antibiotics administered to livestock was restricted.
«Availability of data is a cornerstone for reproducibility» of findings, said Marcia McNutt, editor in chief of Science.
Looking back in time The study — the result of an international team led by climate researchers at the Natural History Museum of Denmark — divided the studied time period into three phases, largely dictated by the availability of data: 1900 to 1983, 1983 to 2003, and 2003 to 2010.
Also, due to the availability of data, the researchers were only able to examine the experiences of low - income adults during the first year of the ACA Medicaid expansions.
The primary finding and «surprise,» said Mackey, is how little is known about the precise scope of the problem and how few mechanisms exist to monitor it despite the availability of some data.
The researchers divided the countries into four groups based on the availability of data, and where no data existed, on the economic state of the country.
The research describes new vistas of information opening with the availability of data from more than 6,000 adults — a number that has grown by more than 10 times since the research was conducted.
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