Sentences with phrase «availability of resources»

Because of limited availability of resources, production time and value were difficult to attain.
The ingenuity which increases availability of resources also provides additional usefulness to the resources.
One of them is that our technology and economic structure will change in response to the changing availability of resources — always has, and will continue to do so.
Many countries showing improvements in access were natural gas producers, suggesting that domestic availability of this resource could be an advantage.
This is due in part to a better understanding of mental health issues common among service members and better availability of resources.
Organizations interested in implementing the CPP are encouraged to contact program developers to discuss organizational readiness and availability of resources for sustaining the CPP.
Directed team activities, established task priorities, scheduled and tracked work assignments, provided guidance, resolved conflicts and ensured availability of resources.
They cited stories of younger siblings for whom they were primary care givers and of lack of availability of resources, including even safe, secure, and quiet spaces in which to complete their assignments.
Availability of resources such as usable water will also depend on changing rates of precipitation, with decreased availability in many places but possible increases in runoff and groundwater recharge in some regions like the high latitudes and wet tropics.
People knew the location and availability of resources close to home; at the same time, they also knew the mythical landscape, so knew where they might freely venture, where they had to be cautious, where they must not go, etc..
One of Qadeer's biggest challenges has been supporting the business in a period of growth with a limited availability of resources.
Communally, persecution responses also depend on the size and cohesion of the Christian community and the availability of resources.
Many of them doubt the availability of the resources necessary for continued economic growth.
But Schultz says in those rural portions of Niagara County, the availability of resource can make the difference between a desired response time of just a few minutes to situations where patients wait more than a half hour before help arrives.
The prime minister's spokesman said these included «ongoing operations in Iraq» and the «availability of resources to commit to the investigation».
The group developed a model to determine the best route to Mars, assuming the availability of resources and fuel - generating infrastructure on the moon.
There has been one reason for optimism, however: ecologists have long believed that landscapes with lots of different species should be more resistant to exotic invaders, since their panoply of species types maximizes the use of resources like nitrogen and sunlight, and limits the availability of these resources to weeds.
«A major unknown connected with human evolution in this climatically turbulent environment is the availability of resources, particularly freshwater,» says lead author Dr Mark Cuthbert, holder of a European Community - funded Marie Curie Research Fellowship at UNSW's Connected Waters Initiative and University of Birmingham (UK).
«Many native species have evolved isolated from each other for extended time periods; they are mainly constrained by the availability of resources, such as water and nutrients.
Female reproductive success, in contrast, is usually limited by the availability of resources to sustain mother and child through pregnancy, labor, and nursing, rather than an availability of mating partners.
Work with Institute scientists and collaborators to ensure the availability of resources and technical assistance for their research projects.
This study highlights the importance of increasing provider knowledge and availability of resources to help patients reduce their risk of diabetes,» said study senior author Dr. Nisa Maruthur, an assistant professor of medicine at Hopkins» School of Medicine.
One of my favorite aspects of integrating technology into instruction is the availability of resources to support students with different learning needs.
Limited by the availability of resources, formal learning initiatives struggle to deliver knowledge sources that are aligned to the varied learning preferences of their workforce.
Although the CEP survey found that most states have been able to weather funding cutbacks, the availability of resources will likely have an effect on implementation.
The advantages of running some subjects in a Line or Block and how this might restrict the availability of resources.
The study provides specific information at district, state, and national levels on trends in library / media center growth, staffing and staff qualifications, number and availability of resources (including new technologies), and accessibility and usage of facilities.
Consider the implications that will affect the use of the assessment system, including reliability factors and availability of resources (including financial and personnel time and training).
12.10 The program is organized with an emphasis on student and program needs, professional skills of the social worker, and availability of resources.
CCSA has stepped up availability of resources and support for Association members across the state, as well as offering heightened support to schools in targeted localities.
The project will promote communication, collaboration, and the availability of resources for first - time teachers.
WHEREAS, a major challenge for the neighborhood Community School model has been implementation and the availability of resources to implement the elements demonstrated in the research to improve student and school success.
Most often it is not about the quality of the teacher but the availability of the resources.
These new data provide insights into levels of student engagement and the availability of resources that support broader student learning.
Despite the availability of resources and increased emphasis on the use of technology, many teachers, whether preservice (Doering, Hughes, & Huffman, 2003; Willis & Sujo de Montes, 2002), novice (Web - Based Education Commission, 2000) or experienced (National Center for Education Statistics, 2000), currently feel ill - prepared to use technological tools and resources for the teaching of content.
A sense of collegiality and professionalism, an environment of open and frequent communication, a climate of support, the availability of resources, and a clarity of roles and responsibilities all contribute to a sense of satisfaction for a job well done.
The initiating official may also consider the availability of the resources needed to pursue a PIE proceeding.
Supported by a team of qualified experts and availability of resources, Livewebtutors agency has professional law assignment writers in Australia ensure students don't have to spend time in doing a literature search for their assignments and complete the task.
The most important thing that students should remember about the topic is the availability of the resources for research.
Then concentrate on the availability of resource materials and your familiarity with the topic.
Animal control services may be assigned to multiple providers due to costs, availability of resources, and a community's specific needs.
One of the keys to peaceful co-existence in the cat world is the availability of resources.
Using such a program allows the rabbit to predict its interactions with you and predict the availability of resources.
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