Sentences with phrase «available datasets»

However, using a variety of publicly available datasets, it is possible to shed light on the answers to our research questions.
This is the largest available dataset to draw conclusions about the state of cyber defense and enterprise security operations around the globe.
The changing nature of how and where scientists share raw data has sparked a growing need for guidelines on how to cite these increasingly available datasets.
And often, affordability concerns are based on income numbers in publicly available datasets.
«We analyze publicly available datasets of climate to look at how these conditions are changing over time,» Singh explained.
Preparation steps for this project includes validation and development of codebooks for available datasets (3.0, 4.0).
The freely available datasets will allow scientists to get a handle on how widespread and how significant changes to the frozen landscape might be in this ecologically sensitive region.
The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), identified four genes that are linked to tamoxifen resistance and poor prognosis of breast cancer, by comparing results obtained in a new animal model, in human breast cancer cells grown in culture, and in publically available datasets collected from thousands of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen.
Here, we use the most recently available datasets based on comprehensive national vulnerability assessments and comprehensive GHG emissions data to produce an easily replicable snapshot of the relationship between countries» GHG emissions and their vulnerability to the negative effects of climate change17, 18, and forecast this to 2030.
«This research project is a great example of combining our own data with externally available datasets to discover something new,» Zhou said.
This pilot will focus on mining available datasets for microbiome signatures as well as collating data from mouse models.
This criterion may not be satisfied if observations are available only over a short time period (as is the case for the vertical structure of clouds), or if the predictor is defined through low - frequency variability (trends, decadal variability), or if there is a lack of consistency among available datasets (as in the case for global - mean precipitation and surface fluxes).
Given the systematic biases imparted by both data errors and infilling methods, a simple averaging across available datasets is not an effective means of minimizing bias (32).
This freely available dataset will allow users to dig down into the finer details of carbon and biomass distribution - which pinpoints forest and vegetation details to less than a 100 feet resolution.
It can lead to biased results, as Nick O. suggests, but if the modeling is open, with publically available datasets and codes, deliberate attempts to bias the results become obvious.
Heather M. Roff of Arizona State University published the first publicly - available dataset tracking military autonomy, identifying 284 weapons systems with autonomous features.
With the support of an Arts, Science & Culture Initiative Graduate Collaboration Grant from the University of Chicago, I worked with John Santerre, a computer science PhD at UChicago, to train a deep neural network (DNN) on a publicly available dataset of satellite images.
To that end, Hamburg described a newly launched, online initiative, OpenFDA, which is intended to make it easier for researchers, developers, and the public to access and use the FDA's publicly available datasets.
Projects in the lab analyze large, publicly available datasets, such as TCGA, with a focus on integrative analyses, as well as ChIPseq and RNAseq datasets generated in house in manipulatable cell line models.
We quantified climate change equity, defined as the distribution of climate change benefits and burdens, using data from two publicly available datasets and national GDP data.
These are just copies of publicly available datasets (GHCN, USHCN, and so on), but because the available copies change (typically every month), we need to keep a copy if we're going to reproduce the figure exactly.
An objective evaluation of the available datasets is attempted, and important uncertainly factors are discussed.
The sparseness of the early networks is reflected in the large uncertainties reported in the available datasets.
The level of solar activity during the Maunder minimum is reassessed on the basis of all available datasets.
Despite this, Ho says few studies have examined the changes in the landfall intensity of the tropical cyclones striking these coastal regions, probably because of inconsistency between the available datasets.
This is meaningful progress, but the available datasets don't provide detailed information that would enable analysis of the social aspects of the justice system, though a simple analysis of numbers of matters opened and closed would be possible, which is one possible measure of productivity.
Using publicly available datasets may be useful for this challenge.
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