Sentences with phrase «available digital learning environment»

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Technology, such as computers (58 %) and Virtual Learning Environments (47 %) are already widely available for students to use, meaning they can learn anytime, anywhere, just as they would do in the real world - helping them to prepare for an increasingly digital workforce.
There are Virtual Learning Environments, tablets, laptops, digital whiteboards and many more advanced technological products available today but does all this technology really help?
As schools use more digital interactive learning environments, more data becomes available on learners.
«The launch of our available - anytime Professional Learning Environment reaffirms our commitment to that belief, and, like every one of our digital offerings, aims to support teachers with the best tools possible as they work to prepare students for the future.»
Students will access the textbooks directly through Plymouth University's Digital Learning Environment, and almost half of the materials will be available in reflowable XML and EPUB formats to provide rich, robust interactive content.
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