Sentences with phrase «available emergency contact numbers»

Give them the hotline number and any other available emergency contact numbers.

Not exact matches

Information required before departure include contact telephone numbers, including a 24 hour emergency number, sleeping and sharing arrangements, and where available, host family information, the names of the responsible adult in the families, and specific house rules.
- Mortgage paperwork - Car loan and ownership information - Copies in insurance certificates - Medical records - Birth certificates - Legal documents and wills - Driver's license and passport - Important phone numbers and contacts - Emergency money Know all of your available options It is crucial that you understand all of the resources, policies and options available to you in the even of an eEmergency money Know all of your available options It is crucial that you understand all of the resources, policies and options available to you in the even of an emergencyemergency.
Name and phone number of someone to contact in an emergency who will take care of your pets in case you are not available.
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