Sentences with phrase «available food»

There is a «vacuum effect» where new cats fill the void due to migration from other colonies to take advantage of available food sources.
Interestingly, the most commonly painted foods were not the most readily available foods of the time.
The dogs in the experiment were fed a normal diet of commercially available food designed for puppies.
Without its unique gut microbiome, which helps in the breakdown of inaccessible nutrients, the ants would have to compete with other species for more readily available food sources.
However, no matter how much junk food you eat, there is no evidence to support the idea that your milk is not the best available food for your baby.
All that diversity leaves each microbial species with its own favorite food sources, in large part taking cues from available food sources over time.
Another question is olive oil; since it's a widely available food, why not just eat a tablespoon of olive oil every day?
The only available food source becomes larger herd animals, a daunting challenge even for the largest of predators.
Even if your diet contains more processed and convenience foods than is best for your health, your milk will still be the best available food for your baby.
These figures have always been linked to the fact that most people are opting for easily available foods from the outlets.
So if the answer is not to «dominate» your dog or shower it with freely available food, then what is it?
This means rising a little earlier to be sure there's readily available food sitting by him at his desk before I leave for work.
They just can't afford to buy available food.
Autumn is my favorite season, especially when it comes to available food ingredients and flavors.
In this model, the animal self - selects from highly palatable, readily available foods including cookies, candy, cheese, and processed meats.
I also love knowing that she is getting the freshest available foods that are beneficial to her growth.
A balanced diet doesn't mean supplements or high - cost diet but naturally available foods to build bigger muscles.
Some of the most basic and readily available foods provide nutrients that are full of high quality, sustainable energy.
There's a menu distributed throughout the lounge with details about complimentary drinks, as well as available food and beverages at a cost.
The answer is different for each pet, although many commercially available foods are fine to feed healthy dogs and cats.
You can customize the list of available foods and save favorite meals too.
Many common, easily available foods have the ability to safely and naturally extract harmful chemicals from our systems, while granting protection against disease through their high antioxidant levels.
So women tend to have to be more resourceful in their strategies for IF periods so they avoid the temptation of readily available foods.
When I asked why the person didn't eat locally available food, I heard «I can't be expected to eat that stuff» (fruit, veggies, beans and so on).
In total 115 moderately hypercholesterolemic non-statin treated adults (25 - 70 y) were randomly assigned to an experimental diet group (Ex-diet group) or control diet group (C - diet group) for eight weeks with commercially available food items with different fatty acid composition (replacing saturated fatty acids with mostly n - 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids).
Coyotes are opportunistic; they have a superb adaptability to environmental changes and survive based on available food sources.
The dry conditions, the researchers suspect, reduce available food resources, leaving the young birds more susceptible to starvation and predation.
Habitat is being disturbed and polluted by offshore oil development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, and as CO2 warms our planet, the arctic ice pack is rapidly melting; the whales are in danger from noise, oil spills and deadly collisions with ships, while global warming is steadily melting their icy abode and reducing available food.
Your support of our work helps more Maryland families connect to available food assistance programs that can help put food on the table, and improve access to healthy, affordable food.
If micronutrient requirements can not be met through available food sources, supplements containing folic acid, iron, vitamin A, zinc, calcium, and other nutrients may be needed to build stores and improve women's nutritional status.
This means they have much higher percentage of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrient content then regularly available foods.
Commercially available food products contain animal sources of protein such as beef or chicken.
There are also available a food truck that sell the masala pasta.
Much as migrating birds or spawning insects rely on the timing of spring so that there is enough available food when they arrive in a given region, so, too, the salmon rely on the timing of phytoplankton blooms, followed by the zooplankton bloom that then feeds baby salmon.
«I don't necessary believe that the economy is significantly better than where we have been but I do believe that consumers are suffering from general fatigue and want options for their limited available food budgets.»
The correlation seems obvious: Work travel interrupts a person's exercise routine (if one exists) and, perhaps more dangerous, the most readily available food tends to have more fat and less nutrition.
Many learners today are challenged with increases in anxiety, inactivity, unequal access to healthy available food and disconnection from the natural environments is of serious concern.
Richard Brodeur, a NOAA fisheries oceanographer and author on the study, said that while most of these fish will adapt to their new surroundings, some will move into less habitable waters with perhaps less available food.
«We found no evidence that climbing allows these salamanders to more fully exploit available food resources, which instead suggests that other mechanisms, such as competition or predator avoidance, might be important influences on salamander populations,» said Connette.
The tail allows Stentor to attach itself to the bottom of the body of water, while the mouth samples available food and selects what to eat, an exceptional ability in a single celled organism.
It's the newest but oldest craze around Our ancestors ate what we call «nose to tail» in that they did not waste a single part of the animal they hunted as they respected the animal they killed and did not know when the next available food source was coming.
So, when looking for plant - based foods that help provide, enough fat, adequate protein, while also being low in carbs; the list of available foods narrows quickly.
Exam Room $ 25,000 Sponsored Grooming Room $ 25,000 Available Medical Room $ 25,000 Sponsored Other Critter Room $ 25,000 Available Cat Isolation Area $ 25,000 1 Available 1 Sponsored Dog Isolation Area $ 15,000 Sponsored Dog Isolation Yard $ 10,000 Available Food Prep Area $ 10,000 Available
Some of the commercially available foods seem like a great option, and are much more convenient than making a salad every day for a bearded dragon or iguana, or buying mice for a snake.
Feral cats can and will form small colonies based around available food sources.
[25] In captivity, Campbell's dwarf hamsters can get the required nutrition from commercially available food designed specifically for hamsters, which typically contain a mix of dry grains, nuts, and seeds that may be fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Phrases with «available food»

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