Sentences with phrase «available food sources»

There is a «vacuum effect» where new cats fill the void due to migration from other colonies to take advantage of available food sources.
Without its unique gut microbiome, which helps in the breakdown of inaccessible nutrients, the ants would have to compete with other species for more readily available food sources.
The only available food source becomes larger herd animals, a daunting challenge even for the largest of predators.
All that diversity leaves each microbial species with its own favorite food sources, in large part taking cues from available food sources over time.
If micronutrient requirements can not be met through available food sources, supplements containing folic acid, iron, vitamin A, zinc, calcium, and other nutrients may be needed to build stores and improve women's nutritional status.
The second hypothesis is that the available food resources were limiting and that niche partitioning came into play; in other words, there weren't that many plants to go around so that the species had to share available food sources by specializing on different types of vegetation.
It's the newest but oldest craze around Our ancestors ate what we call «nose to tail» in that they did not waste a single part of the animal they hunted as they respected the animal they killed and did not know when the next available food source was coming.
Feral cats can and will form small colonies based around available food sources.
Coyotes are opportunistic; they have a superb adaptability to environmental changes and survive based on available food sources.
A mutually beneficial relationship developed where people tolerated the presence of these primal cats for vermin control, and cats thrived on the readily available food source.
Adaptationism certainly appears to hold true in microevolution — small - scale evolutionary change within species, such as changes in beak shape in Galapagos finches in response to available food sources.
«This strategy of colonies collectively exhibiting significantly more caution than the riskier individual foragers may help honey bees exploit all of the available food sources, with some intrepid foragers visiting more dangerous food while the colony judiciously decides how to best allocate its foraging,» says James Nieh, a professor of biology at UC San Diego.
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