Sentences with phrase «available knowledge»

The problem is one of application of available knowledge.
A proper and timely adaptation to climate change and its impacts should be based on the best available knowledge on the current and future climate.
In reaching a decision, one ought to give full consideration to whatever available knowledge and experience appears to him to be relevant.
Hence, effective communication between the scientific community and policymakers is urgently needed to relay available knowledge about the potential impacts of changes in glaciers on the region's hydrology and environment and on the livelihoods of millions of people.
First, the food can be put through laboratory analysis and compared to minimum values established by the AAFCO Nutrient Profiles for Dogs and Cats guidelines based on the best available knowledge of the nutrients cats and dogs need to stay healthy.
The fact is that there will always be a gap between children in affluent communities and youngsters who grow up in poverty, because well - educated parents will always use available knowledge to give their children a competitive advantage.
L&D must understand that technology has already enabled the modern learner to direct their own learning by providing instantly available knowledge and know - how.
Working Group III also believes that there are gaps in currently available knowledge on some aspects of climate change mitigation, particularly in developing countries.
The purpose of this policy document is to synthesize available knowledge and best practices in climate change adaptation and mitigation in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors with a view to guide IFAD interventions in these sectors.
Negatively, the principle means that one should never willfully exclude consideration of available knowledge or experience that he sees as relevant.
If we wish to promote sound investments in young children and their families based on the best available knowledge, then current advances in the biological and social sciences must be translated into accessible language that overcomes existing misconceptions and other barriers to understanding.
Yet by means of «presentational immediacy» occasions project the concrescence of contemporaries as possible «atomizations of the potential extensive continuum according to available knowledge of their past.
This normative judgment is warranted by the following statement: In a morally developed person, the sense of obligation is inescapably included in the subjective form of the imaginative feeling of himself acting as he inescapably sees he ought to act on full disinterested consideration of all available knowledge and experience which appear to him to be relevant.
The third principle may be stated as follows: Every morally developed person ought always to act as he inescapably sees he ought to act on full disinterested consideration of all available knowledge and experience which appear to him to be relevant.
Information is available to farmers regarding the basic facts about organic agriculture, but real world situations that are beyond commonly - available knowledge can stymie even experienced producers.
«The available knowledge from life - cycle - assessments... seems limited, despite the fact that for those issues many biofuels cause higher environmental pressures than fossil fuels,» the report says.
The available knowledge of the characteristics of radiation environments at different planetary systems is based on in - situ and remote sensing measurements from flybys as well as orbiting spacecraft.
Therefore, the strongest motivation for the current scientific review is the need for a synoptic organization of the available knowledge on the field of interactions at different planetary systems, in parallel with a comparative analysis encompassing the inter-connection among planetary space weather aspects belonging to different disciplines (e.g. plasma variability and its effects on atmospheric heating).
Given the scale of the challenges we face, we must exploit all the available knowledge, skills, diversity, and creativity that humankind can bring.
An issue, especially when getting older, is having available knowledge of other single, Christian men and women.
Students and teacher teams focusing on learning deeply have the force to achieve learning beyond the traditional education dam and shoot out over the spillway to not only understand the torrent of available knowledge, but to also add to it in phenomenal ways.
For one hundred years, Bank Street's focus has been improving the education of children and their teachers by applying to the education process all available knowledge about learning and growth, and by connecting teaching and learning meaningfully to the outside world.
The research did not have to be ironclad; it just had to represent the best available knowledge.
The available knowledge and techniques in the veterinary field are increasing rapidly, and many schools are now considering or have incorporated a differentiation (tracking) of their veterinary degree.
The report builds on the available knowledge, but it also notes the limits of available knowledge.
If models based on all the available knowledge can not be trusted, how much less so a simple linear extrapolation?
It suggests that assessments of field - level forestry issues may be a first step to revitalize forestry institutions to assess human and financial resources and available knowledge.
The series has provided the most thoughtful and comprehensive coverage of the available knowledge and the analysis needed to deal with the challenges facing a sustainable, safe, equitable water supply for everyone.
As the graphs show, if the RCEP 2000 report reflected the best available knowledge, then the understanding which has emerged since then does not, as has been reported, indicate that the situation is «worse than previously thought».
On pseudo-skeptical blogs scientific uncertainty is twisted into ignorance, or the current situation is extrapolated into the future without taking into account the available knowledge of polar bear ecology.
Have a look at this article, which gives you something of the essence of Wolter Seuntjens's dissertation, a work in which he presented «a systematic - encyclopedic overview of all available knowledge about yawning.»
«Our students graduate with the best available knowledge and skills to tackle emerging and future technologies,» said Souza.
Applied to the field of healing disrupted parent - child relationships, humbition allows social scientists and practitioners to balance an ambitious application, extrapolation, and expansion of available knowledge, experience, materials, and procedures with an acceptance of realistic limits to our ability to help parents and children manage the dynamics of alienation.
They know how difficult it is to solve human relationship problems without all the available knowledge, and are dedicated to making sure a potential student is not living their life at a disadvantage because he or she is not aware of what it is that they do not know.
In order to more honestly recognize and understand the experience of these children, mental health professionals must begin with the available knowledge that they currently have, incomplete as it is.
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